The Epic Velier Caroni Tasting
What's the best Caroni of all time?
Can you remember the feeling of excitement before trying your favorite rum for the first time? Or how about the amazing moment when you finally got to taste that rare rum you've been hunting for?
10 Mar 2024

In April, a remarkable gathering took place, inspired by Steffen Mayer's historic Caroni tasting in Berlin and the Caroni 10 Days event in France. In a quiet mountain hut in southern Germany, a group of passionate rum enthusiasts gathered for an unprecedented event: "The Epic Velier Caroni Tasting"
This was no ordinary gathering, because after years of collecting, we finally brought together every Velier Caroni bottling in existence. The event reached new heights when Luca Gargano generously provided a preview of the entire range of upcoming Caroni Paradise bottlings, enabling us to taste and compare every Velier Caroni ever released (Grazie mille, Luca!). This extraordinary opportunity allowed us to find the best tropically aged Caroni in the world, an unparalleled venture in its scope and significance.
What makes Caroni rum so special?
Caroni rums have a unique charm that attracts the attention of rum lovers all over the world. But if you are a newcomer to this world, you may be wondering what makes these rums so exceptional:
- Lost distillery: The Caroni distillery was officially closed in 2003 and is therefore considered a lost distillery. This fact alone makes its rums highly sought-after due to their rarity.
- Growing scarcity: As the distillery has closed, the remaining Caroni stocks are dwindling, making every sip of Caroni a valuable piece of history. Since around 2015, Caroni rums have seen a significant increase in value due to their unique profile, limited availability and growing appreciation among rum lovers.
- Tropical aging: Only a subset of the remaining Caroni rums have been fully aged in a tropical climate providing a truly authentic experience of the Caroni profile. Aged in these hot temperatures causes an extremely intense and complex flavour profile due to the immense angel's share.
- Flavour profile: Caroni rums are known for their distinctive "Heavy Trinidad Rum" (HTR) profile. This distinctive characteristic is often marked by unusual but intriguing flavours associated with tar, burnt rubber, and even petrol and lamp oil. Every sip of Caroni is indeed a journey into a unique and intriguing flavour profile.
For those eager to delve deeper into the Caroni saga, we recommend the 'Caroni Bible' written by Steffen Mayer:
Additionally, the comprehensive article on the history and legacy of Caroni by Barrel Aged Thoughts provides a detailed overview of the distillery's rich legacy.
Tasting Procedure
After this brief detour into the fascinating history of Caroni rums, let's get back to our epic tasting weekend. We had the full range of all official Velier Caroni bottlings to work with and wanted to find out which of them is the best. We needed a well-structured process to ensure that every nuance of our tasting experience was captured. And this is how we proceeded:
- Sample size: Each taster receiving a 0.5 cl sample of each rum - an optimal amount to detect different flavours and aromas without overwhelming the senses.
- Reference rum: The Velier Caroni 21 year old (RX39) served as a constant reference during all tasting flights, which helped us keep our ratings comparable across different rums and tasters.
- Vertical tasting: We tasted the rums within their respective vintages. For the vintages with only a handful of releases, all rums were tasted in a single flight, allowing for a fascinating comparison of the different expressions within a given year.
- Blind pouring: To ensure an unbiased judgement, the entire tasting was carried out blind. One of us poured the rums into numbered glasses and noted the corresponding RX-IDs on a "resolution sheet". Another person shuffled the glasses to randomise the order. Finally, a third person arranged the mixed glasses on the tasting table.
- The tasting: Finally, all participants entered the room and the tasting round began. We split into teams of two to taste the rums and record our impressions on standardised tasting sheets. Once each team had finished their review, we revealed the identity of the rums by looking under the glasses and shared the resolution with the group.
This thoughtful and systematic approach to tasting allowed us to deeply evaluate each rum and approach the identification of the best Velier Caroni - possibly the best Caroni release ever.
The Tasting Gang
Sparked by their shared passion for Caroni rum, Steffen and Jakob took the lead in organising this once in a lifetime event. Steffen, the renowned author of the Caroni Bible, and Jakob, a passionate Caroni enthusiast from Switzerland, brought together a group of experienced rum lovers for this unique experience:
- Oliver (Co-Founder of RumX)
- Jakob (Co-Founder of RumX)
- Johannes (RumX top reviewer)
- Robert (Founder Whisky Digest & Co-Founder Grape of the Art)
- Egon & Malte (two veterans of the German rum scene - not to mention they were both part of Luca's original Caroni Tasting Gang in 2019)
"For me, a little lifelong dream has come true - tasting all Velier Caroni with rum friends, discussing them and just having fun." - Johannes
"I want to quote Albert Schweitzer: "Happiness is the only thing that doubles when you share it." That's how I see it when I share good rum with friends. Although everyone gets a little less in their glass, the happiness of enjoying something extraordinary together is all the greater." - Malte
One final note before we start sharing the results: Although we all have a high level of experience tasting rums, it is important to emphasise that our results are inherently subjective and based on our individual preferences. The observations and findings in this article should be taken as personal reflections, with no intention of asserting any definitive or universal truth.
Round I: Vintages 1974 - 1989
Our journey began on Thursday with a tasting of Caroni releases distilled between 1974 and 1994. More specifically, we delved into the unique character of seven different vintages: 1974, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1988 and 1989.
This tasting round allowed us to taste a variety of styles. In addition to several releases of the famous HTR (Heavy Trinidad Rum) mark, known for the bold, 'dirty' flavours that have made Caroni famous, we reviewed also the LWR mark from the 1974 vintage, three LTR (Light Trinidad Rum) variants - two from the 1982 vintage and one from 1989 - and two blended Caroni releases - one each from the 1985, 1988 and 1993 vintages and two bottlings from the 1991 vintage.
This experience was not just about comparing the marks. The different production styles and the significant influence of maturation and cask types made for a fascinating exploration.
Vintage 1974
The only release from the 1974 vintage - a 34 year old Caroni bottled at 66.1% (RX1882) - is one of the most intense from the entire range - not because of the extreme wood influence or bitterness, but because it somehow represents the typical Caroni profile with impressive aromatic power. We get everything: Tar, bicycle tubes, glue, petrol, wood influences from the barrel, light fruitiness, a little caramelised sugar, roasted nuts... the list goes on and on. This rum is absolutely stunning on both the nose and the palate, resulting in an overall score of 9.34 points from our tasting panel. Interestingly, it is not only the oldest bottling in the entire Caroni range, but also the only one under the LWR (Light or Local White Rum) brand. What a start to our tasting!
Number of releases
34 years
Average score
Vintage 1982
The 1982 vintage brought five releases, all fully matured between 23 and 24 years in the tropical climate and released in 2005 as part of Velier's first Caroni bottlings. This vintage contained an intriguing blend of HTR (Heavy Trinidad Rum) and LTR (Light Trinidad Rum) profiles. Amongst these releases, the most powerful Caroni ever bottled stands out - the 23 year old Heavy Trinidad Rum with an ABV (alcohol by volume) of incredible 77.3% (RX3140). Interestingly, it is known as a 'single cask' bottling, but as Steffen reveals in his book, this is most likely nothing but a myth.
One aspect that makes the Caroni releases from 1982 to 1985 particularly interesting is the likely addition of Paxarette during the maturation process. Paxarette, a concentrated sweet sherry, was often used to enhance the flavours of the casks during the maturation process. This influence was often noticeable in the form of intense flavours of dried fruit. These flavours are very pronounced in the early vintages of the 1980s: The dirty caroni notes often meet a counterpart of very dense, slightly sweet fruit notes as well as heavy cask influences, which can lead to a slightly bitter aftertaste.
The LTR profiles, on the other hand, lack most of the typical dirty Caroni characteristics and go more towards a typical oak-vanilla-coconut flavour profile that we know from Barbados or Belize rums. However, at least in the case of the 23-year-old version at 59.2% (RX2560), the sherry influence can also be recognised quite clearly. In our evaluations, the "Single Cask" bottling proved to be our favourite among the 1982 bottlings with an average rating of 9.18 points. It brought out the previously mentioned flavour profile to perfection and presented an incredibly well-integrated alcohol - in our blind tasting, the extraordinary ABV was not clearly noticeable to any of us. The lowest score was given to the 23 year old HTR bottling with 62% (RX1558) at 8.54 points, giving an overall average of 8.81 points for all releases of the 1982 vintage.
Number of releases
23-24 years
Average score
Vintage 1983
The 1983 vintage brought us two HTR (Heavy Trinidad Rum) releases which, interestingly, flew a little under the radar in the scene. This may be due to their relatively low ABV, "only" 52% (RX6412) and 55% (RX2051), which may seem modest compared to some of the powerhouses from other vintages.
Compared to the other vintages, particularly those from the 1980s, the 1983s seemed a little more relaxed, with less heavy caroni notes and also a little less complexity. The tar notes were still clearly recognisable, but less expressive and this time embedded in lighter and sweeter flavours such as vanilla, dried fruit and cocoa.
In our group, the 55% version was favoured and received an average score of 8.81 points. However, the 52% version was not far behind, with a respectable average of 8.46 points. Interestingly, the 52% version could be described as the first "mass caroni" from the Velier range, because with over 20,000 bottles, the 1983 vintage is the one with the highest volume of all the vintages before the 90s.
Number of releases
22-25 years
Average score
Vintage 1984
1984 is the rarest of all Velier Caroni vintages in terms of its limited bottle yield, as only 971 bottles were produced from four casks. Two special bottlings were released from this stock, aged for 22 and 24 years.
Similar to the 1983 vintage, there was a clear favourite between these two in our tasting - the 22 year old, bottled at 54.6% ABV (RX5938), which stood out even among all 1980s vintages with a remarkable average score of 9.23 points.
But the top scores weren't the only thing that made this release stand out. Some of us had very strong associations with cola flavours when we tasted this release. Just when you think you know all of Caroni's flavour profiles, there's always a surprise waiting in the next dram... It's moments like this that made our tasting journey through the world of Caroni rums so endlessly fascinating.
However, the overall profile was still typical of HTR Caroni's with pronounced tar and petrol notes, subtle flavours of berries and dried fruits, dark spices and woody notes fading into a slight bitterness with hints of chocolate and coffee. We also detected some fresher tropical fruit notes, which are more pronounced in the 54.6% bottling (RX5938) than in the 58.3% bottling (RX7948). With an average score of 8.99 points, the 1984 bottlings were among our highest scoring vintages of the entire line-up.
Number of releases
22-24 years
Average score
Vintage 1985
The 1985 vintage resulted in five bottlings, namely three HTR and two blended releases. The range of ABVs here is quite extreme - from 49.5% to 75.5% (the second so-called "single cask" from the 1980s).
Our two favourites were the longer matured bottlings, with the top spot being taken by the 21 year old bottling at 58.8% (RX6369) (with a lovely picture of three musicians on the cover) and the second highly acclaimed single cask bottling at 75.5% (RX4933) (making it the second most powerful bottling in our entire line-up). Both scored excellent averages (9.17 and 9.10 points). On the other hand, the 43.4% version (RX5702) dropped slightly with an average score of 8.39 points.
Interestingly, the 1985 HTR bottlings were also not too dominated by the typical heavy Caroni notes - while the HTR profile was clearly noticeable, we again had some other notes mixing in and bringing more complex flavour profiles to life. Starting with ripe red berries alongside dried fruit (Paxarette again) on the nose, through to coffee, oak, vanilla notes as well as spice and dark chocolate on the palate. As you would expect, the blended versions had even more sweetness and nutty notes with less expressiveness in the dirty flavours.
Number of releases
15-21 years
Average score

Vintage 1988
With the 1988 vintage, another blended rum was launched on the market, which was bottled at 43% after 15 years of maturation (RX2168). Again, quite a large number of bottles (5,169) were released. Interestingly, Velier's bottling is the only known vintage Caroni from this year, which makes it a very special experience.
It would have been very interesting to try another full or at least high-proof version of this vintage. However, the character of the rum indicated quite a big influence of the light rums in this blend. Combined with the lower ABV, this resulted in a slightly less powerful profile, especially when placed alongside other, more robust Caroni bottlings. Accordingly, the 1988 vintage ended up at the lower end of our rating scale with 8.37 points.
Number of releases
15 years
Average score

Vintage 1989
The 1989 vintage is also one of the vintages where only a very small number of bottles were released. We only have two expressions: a 16 year old HTR (RX6524) and a 17 year old LTR (RX4356), bottled at 62% and 64.2% ABV respectively.
These bottlings received relatively modest scores, ranging from an average of 8.37 to 8.70 points. The 62% HTR from 1989 in particular triggered some debate, as it received a wide range of scores, from 8.0 to 9.2 points. These varying scores were due to its unique flavour profile, which, in addition to the characteristic HTR flavours, contained a distinct dry note reminiscent of cocoa, which some loved and others found too unbalanced. The result was the only ranking where an LTR Caroni was above its HTR sister version, based on our average ratings.
Number of releases
16-17 years
Average score
That's it for our individual analysis of the vintages. When we zoom out and consider all the releases from the 70s and 80s vintages, we found a correlation between the ABV and our ratings. The 15 year old bottlings from 1988 and 1985, both bottled at lower alcohol levels (43% and 43.4% respectively), received the lowest scores. This seemed to suggest that the complex character of Caroni is better appreciated at a higher ABV, although of course this reflects the specific preferences of our taster group.
Round II: Vintages 1991 - 1994
As our tasting journey progressed, we ventured into the vintages of the 1990s, starting with the first half of the decade and the vintages from 1991 to 1994.
The 1994 vintage marked a notable change as the number of barrels acquired by Luca Gargano ramped up, leading to an increase in annual Caroni releases. While our first rounds of tastings included 18 releases from 1974 and the 1980s, spanning seven different vintages, our next session focused on just four years: 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1994. These 4 years brought an impressive 20 different rums into our glasses.
The composition of the rums had changed in these tasting rounds: We no longer encountered an LTR (Light Trinidad Rum) style, but only a few blends. The heavy HTR style (Heavy Trinidad Rum) now clearly dominated. In addition, the alcohol strength of these bottlings was generally higher, with most of them exceeding the 50% level. The only exception was the 1993 bottling, which had a lower ABV of 44.4%.
One more note before we start our analysis: At the time of our tasting, we did not have detailed information about the ABV of the unreleased Paradise Single Casks.
Vintage 1991
The first vintage in our second round was 1991, which included two blended expressions, one at full strength at 61.7% (RX4328) and a second at 55% (RX5421). Both expressions showed the typical heavy HTR notes of tar and rubber as well as some sweet flavours of caramelised sugar, vanilla and coconut; the 61.7% version had a little more power and some fresh tropical fruit notes on top, while the 55% version seemed rather less expressive and aromatic in direct comparison.
The higher ABV version was the clear winner of the two 1991 versions based on our reviews (8.79 vs. 8.59 average points).
Number of releases
19 years
Average score
Vintage 1992
With the 1992 vintage, we are approaching our first series of highly anticipated releases. With only four bottlings, 1992 remains a relatively exclusive vintage. All the rums were labelled HTR, including two full proof and two high proof bottlings, all of the same age. Our high expectations were met and some even exceeded: Each of the four releases demonstrated exceptional quality, with all achieving an average score of at least 9.1 points.

The defining characteristic of the 1992 Caroni rums was their vibrant expression of tarry and rubbery notes mingling harmoniously with oak, vanilla, caramelised sugar, spice, hints of leather and fruit, and a touch of mint. This complexity showed Caroni at its best - a profile that invites endless exploration and delight.
The crown jewel of these releases was undoubtedly the 20-year-old full proof edition (RX258) from the "Hangar" series, a collection of Caronis presented in distinctive white boxes with the iconic Caroni "Hangar" on the outside. This series also includes the 20 year old 55% version (RX1032) from the same vintage as well as two other bottlings from 1994. Our favourite from 1992, bottled at a robust 60.21% ABV (RX258), received an impressive average score of 9.36 points with a very low standard deviation - the highest was 9.5 and the lowest 9.3. This bottling has emerged as a clear favourite; one of the holy grails for Caroni lovers.
Number of releases
18-20 years
Average score
Vintage 1993
We then moved on to the 1993 vintage, which was represented by only one bottling: a 17-year-old blended Caroni bottled at 44.4% ABV (RX6356). This particular bottling proved to be our favourite lower ABV blend and achieved an average score of a very good 8.73 points. It was characterised by a captivating spectrum of flavours, ranging from sweet vanilla and caramel to more intense tar, gum and wood notes, with lighter fruit nuances and subtle floral hints adding to its complexity.
Remarkably, this Caroni differed clearly from other independent bottlers' releases of the same vintage - the profile was pleasant and round, making it almost an easy sipper.
Number of releases
17 years
Average score
Vintage 1994
With the 1994 vintage, we not only found the third largest number of releases from a single vintage (13 including the new Paradise bottlings), but also the vintage with the largest gap between the oldest and youngest rum based on cask ageing. The first 1994 Caronis were released in 2011 after 17 years of maturation, while the Paradise Single Casks matured for 26 years in their casks before being bottled in glass demijohns in 2019 to prevent further cask influence and preserve their unique, full tropical ageing profile. The oldest rums are part of the Caroni Paradise series, which features those exceptional casks selected by Luca Gargano from the remaining Caroni stock during the Caroni ceremony in Cognac in 2019. Given the age of these casks, we initially expected an overpowering, slightly bitter wood influence that might overshadow the true essence of the rums. However, to our delight, this was not the case.
Across the range we could detect a fairly typical flavour profile - an aromatic potency full of "Heavy Trinidad Rum" (HTR) notes, intense dark spices, subtle fruity undertones and a wood influence that provided complexity without imparting overly bitter or overly dry wood flavours. The 1994 bottlings are definitely on the strong side of the Caroni flavour spectrum and benefit from good oxidation to develop their full aromatic intensity.
The standout bottlings from this year were undoubtedly the 17 year old version from 2011 at 62.3% ABV (RX5304) and the lower proof version from the Hangar series, an 18 year old bottled at 55% (RX902), which received the same average score of 9.17 points. Interestingly, this lower proof version was favoured by five of the seven members of our group over its higher proof counterpart, with the remaining two rating it just one decimal point below the full proof version. In comparison, the Paradise Single Casks were able to hold their own against the other high-end releases of this vintage.
The overall score for the 1994 vintage was a commendable 8.98 points. The releases prior to the Paradise series scored an average of 9.02 points, while the Paradise Single Casks scored an average of 8.92 points. The difference is only 0.1 average points - proof of the consistent quality in all areas.
Number of releases
18-20 years
Average score
Round III: Vintages 1996 - 2000
Our tasting journey then entered its grand finale with the last three vintages of Velier Caronis: 1996, 1998 and 2000. Considering the number of releases, we had only explored a fraction of all Velier Caronis so far; more specifically, we had only tasted through 38 of the 103 releases. The remaining majority, a whopping 65 releases, were still waiting to be discovered by us. These included a significant number from the 1996 vintage (35 releases), as well as 10 rums from 1998 and, not forgetting, 20 rums from 2000.
Interestingly, the 1996 vintage not only had the most releases, but was also the second highest scoring vintage, with an impressive average score of 9.2 across all releases. This put it in second place after the 1974 vintage, which in contrast had only one official release. Like all of Velier's other Caronis, the 1996s followed the principle of strict tropical ageing. However, they can be roughly divided into two different maturation locations: Some remained in Trinidad, while others were shipped to Guyana for further maturation. Although both locations offer similar climatic conditions, the bottlings matured in Guyana have a certain magic due to the particular sweet notes reminiscent of tropically matured Demerara rums.
As always, our approach to these tastings was as objective as possible: we mixed different releases in blind tastings, regardless of their ageing location or overall age. This allowed us to evaluate them solely on the basis of our sensory experience, free from any preconceptions about their ageing process or the radiance of legendary single casks.
Vintage 1996
It was indeed a remarkable experience to navigate through 35 rums of the 1996 vintage. Most of these bottlings were HTR-style rums, with only three being blends of HTR and LTR. Whilst there were some single cask bottlings, most of the rums were the result of blending multiple casks. These included the highly appreciated Employee Releases with nine bottlings from the 1996 vintage as well as "The Last" Caroni (RX38), which was created from casks that were not selected as single cask bottlings at the 2019 ceremony. The success in blending these "leftover" casks deserves high praise, as the resulting rums achieved impressive results and demonstrate the skill of a talented blender.
The overall quality of the 1996 vintage was remarkable. Based on our collective scores, 30 of the 35 bottlings scored more than 9.0 points. Within this cluster, 11 exceeded an average of 9.3 points, and three even reached the exceptional range of 9.6 and above. It is worth noting that our top three were matched by all but one of the group members after blind tasting in separate groups. So despite some subjective results in the long list, the top shots were determined based on a clear judgement of the entire tasting group.
We were particularly curious about the nine single casks from the Paradise series. Not only did they fulfil our expectations, they also amazed us with their spectacular quality. Casks #5613 (RX15926) and #5619 (RX15927) were particularly remarkable and left us almost speechless. They embodied the Guyana Stock profile at its best, with Caroni's signature dirty notes - tar, glue, petrol, rubber - on the nose and palate, complemented by elegant wood notes from the cask and rich sweet flavours of vanilla and caramelised sugar from the oak barrel, along with fresh mint and subtle toasty and bitter nuances. An additional round the next day between these two heavyweights resulted in a close but clear judgement: For us, cask #5619 (RX15927) was not only the best representative of the 1996 vintage, but also the best Caroni of all time.
The 3rd place in our top list went to "The Last" Caroni (RX38), which received an extraordinary 9.61 points on average from our group. Three single cask bottlings followed: Cask #5623 (RX213), selected by Kirsch Whisky (9.47 points), Cask #5602 (RX1472) from the "Trilogy" series celebrating the 60th anniversary of La Maison du Whisky in 2016 (9.36 points) and Cask #3719 (RX3804), selected by Giuseppe Begnoni (also 9.36 points).
Number of releases
17-24 years
Average score
Vintage 1998
Our tasting adventure then shifted to the 1998 vintage releases. After the remarkable line-up of Caronis from 1996, both in terms of quality and quantity, the 1998 vintage had some serious competition. We prepared to taste ten more HTR (Heavy Trinidad Rum) from that year, including a Paradise Single Cask.
The 1998 vintage showed a markedly different character to its 1996 counterpart and had less sweetness in general. The typical flavour profiles we encountered included a pronounced wood influence, tar, rubber, menthol, aniseed and other dark spices. These were joined by gentle notes of tropical and dried fruit, with a hint of menthol in the aftertaste. However, these flavours tended towards the rougher side, which was reinforced by the often noticeable presence of alcohol.
Our top picks of the vintage were the Paradise Single Cask (RX13434), bottled at 56.3% after 22 years of maturation (maturation was completed when the rum was removed from the cask and transferred to glass containers), which received an average score of 8.59 points, followed by two releases from the Employees series, namely the bottlings dedicated to Dayanand "Yunkoo" Balloon (RX7340, 22 years old, 68.3%, 8.50 points) and Kevon "Slippery" Moreno (RX451, 21 years old, 69.5%, 8.49 points).
We therefore consider the 1998 vintage - although undoubtedly of high quality - to be at the lower end of the Caroni scale. It achieved an average score of 8.29 points, which clearly shows the gap to some earlier vintages.
Number of releases
15-22 years
Average score
Vintage 2000
In our last tasting round, we looked at the releases of the 2000 vintage, a collection of twenty bottlings. This batch included three single casks from the Paradise series, all of which represent the "Heavy Trinidad Rum"mark. These rums were relatively young compared to the others, with an average maturation period of less than 17 years. Notably, this series contained the youngest rum in our entire range: the 12 year old HTR blend from 2012, which was bottled at 50% (RX72).
The overall profile of the 2000 vintage remained true to the distinctive HTR style, boldly and clearly expressing its characteristic notes. The familiar scents of tar, rubber and petrol were clearly perceptible, recalling the essence of Caroni par excellence. These were joined by a wide range of aromas, from sweeter flavours such as oaky vanilla, caramelised sugar and milk chocolate to darker, spicy notes of coffee, allspice, aniseed and liquorice, and even herbal undertones such as tobacco and menthol. In a way, the 2000 vintage took up elements of earlier vintages while creating its own identity.
The quality of this vintage was another pleasant surprise. It achieved an impressive average score of 8.92 points, placing it in the top group of all the vintages we tasted. The Paradise Single Casks once again performed remarkably, with cask #4053 (RX15935) coming out on top with an average score of 9.47 points, closely followed by cask #4026 (RX15934) with 9.23 points. Third place went to another employee release, dedicated to Nita "Nitz" Hogan (RX6597), which scored an average of 9.06 points.
Number of releases
12-20 years
Average score
Results: Best Caronis of All Time
The 2000 vintage tasting session was indeed a fitting end to a unique gathering. It once again highlighted the unique characteristics of Caroni rums that have fuelled our passion for this distinctive distillery and its remarkable releases. Our effort of finding out which Caroni is the best ever was an exciting journey!
"The best is saved for last! I never expected the Velier Caroni Paradise to top everything. With barrels #5613 and #5619, the best Caroni rums of all time will be coming onto the market in the near future." - Steffen
"I used to think that I knew the best Caronis with the 'Caroni The Last' and the respective 1996 single casks from Kirsch Import and Shinanoya. The biggest surprise for me, however, was that the 1996 Caroni Paradise really stepped up a gear in the blind test. But the 2000s were also a total surprise. The RumX community is going to experience a really fantastic wave of flavours!" - Robert
Overall, we were deeply impressed by the consistent quality across the whole line-up. The average score for the 103 different rums we tasted was a remarkable 8.94 out of 10. This not only reflects our group's fondness for the distinctive Caroni profile but also underlines the role that Velier's releases have played in establishing Caroni's legendary status today, a fact that is reflected in the rising prices on the secondary market. Every sip reminded us why Caroni holds a special place in our hearts and those of many other rum lovers around the world.
Vintage rating overview
Which vintage scored best? Take a look below:
- 1974: 9.34 (1 release)
- 1996: 9.20 (35 releases)
- 1992: 9.20 (4 releases)
- 1984: 8.99 (2 releases)
- 1994: 8.97 (4 releases)
- 2000: 8.92 (20 releases)
- 1982: 8.82 (5 releases)
- 1985: 8.81 (5 releases)
- 1993: 8.73 (1 release)
- 1991: 8.69 (2 releases)
- 1983: 8.64 (2 releases)
- 1989: 8.64 (2 releases)
- 1988: 8.37 (1 release)
- 1998: 8.29 (10 releases)
Our highest-rated Caronis
And now to the main category. Drum roll please! What are the best Velier Caronis of all time in our opinion?
- 1996 Paradise #5619 (RX15927): 9.800 points
- 1996 Paradise #5613 (RX15926): 9.714 points
- 1996 39th The Last (RX38): 9.614 points
- 1996 SC Kirsch Whisky (RX213): 9.471 points
- 2000 Paradise #4053 (RX15935): 9.467 points
- 1996 SC Giuseppe Begnoni (RX3804): 9.357 points
- 1996 Trilogy Guyana (RX1472): 9.357 points
- 1992 Hangar FP 20 yo (RX258): 9.357 points
- 1996 Paradise #3801 (RX15933): 9.343 points
- 1996 Employee "Sarge" (RX237): 9.343 points
"The Velier Caronis fascinated us with their outstanding quality, almost without exception. Beyond the legendary bottlings, the excellence of releases like the Caroni 21 (RX39) truly stood out, showcasing the remarkable depth even among the ‘standards’.” - Oliver
When it comes to individual preferences, our tasting revealed some clear favourites between the different rums and their backgrounds. Let's take a look at some of the characteristics and the way they seemed to influence the perceived quality of the rums tasted:
- Marks: The "heavy" profile, characterised by the HTR marks, emerged as the favourite with an average of 8.97 points. It was topped only by the unique LWR mark, represented by the 1974 version, which scored an impressive 9.34 points. As this mark only had a single release, it is difficult to make a generalization about it though. The blended rums received an average score of 8.74 points, while the LTR mark fell slightly behind with an average of 8.69 points.
- Vintages: When looking at the average scores per vintage, it is important to remember the subjective nature of our results. The best vintage was 1974, whose single expression scored 9.34 points, followed by 1996 with 9.202 points, 1992 with 9.200 points and 1984 with 8.99 points.
- Aging: The aging period of the rums ranged from 12 to 34 years, but this seemed to have only a limited impact on our scores. Whilst there was a tendency for rums aged over 20 years to score better, the final score clearly depended on a variety of factors.
- ABV: Alcohol strength seemed to be a more important indicator. In general, we found that lower ABVs, particularly those below 50%, performed consistently worse, averaging 8.54 points. As we moved up the ABV levels (we examined them in 5% increments), there was a tendency for higher scores. This is not a consistent correlation, but it suggests that the HTR profile in particular benefits from higher ABVs in the 60+% range to fully express its aromatic complexity.
Finally, we would like to thank everyone who made this unforgettable experience possible. A special thanks to Luca Gargano for sharing the Paradise Single Cask samples. We also appreciate the support of many others who provided Caroni Rum samples. In particular, we'd like to thank Marc, Pietro, Olivier as well as Christophe from Samples-Deluxe, who has made a name for himself as a prominent bottle splitter and helped us acquire some of the most exclusive releases.
"Last not least a heartfelt "thank you" to everyone who was crazy enough to make this once-in-a-lifetime event possible – it was an absolutely unforgettable experience!" - Jakob
This unique event, engraved in our memories and hearts, is an unforgettable chapter in our rum journey. For those who want to delve even deeper into the world of Caroni rum and keep the spirit of this remarkable experience alive, Steffen's "Caroni Bible" is the perfect companion. This comprehensive book, the result of five years of meticulous research, offers a deep insight into the fascinating history and production of Caroni rum. With beautiful illustrations and detailed information on Caroni and all known Caroni bottlings, this multilingual two-volume work (English, French, German, Italian) is a goldmine for enthusiasts and collectors. Support us in improving your favorite rum app by buying this valuable coffee table book here:
CARONI - 100% Trinidad Rum
Discover the fascination of the closed Caroni Distillery on over 1136 pages with a total weight of 9.4kg - a real masterpiece by Steffen Mayer!
Buy nowWin exceptional Caroni sample sets
As we close this remarkable chapter in our Caroni journey, we'd love to hear your thoughts:
We're excited to see your comments and wish all participants the best of luck!