1423 World Class Spirits
There are 312 rums from 1423 World Class Spirits in the RumX database.
Show all rums from 1423 World Class SpiritsTop rated rums from 1423 World Class Spirits
S.B.S Guyana REV
Top review from Jakob:
"Not quite on the outstanding level of the other bottlings from 1994, which could possibly also be due to the lower alcohol content and the associated, somewhat reduced aromatics - but REV nevertheless remains an outstanding marque that knows how to convince constantly."
S.B.S Guyana SWR
Top review from Jakob:
"Very round, sweet melange of spices and fresh wood. For me, a bit too straightforward and pleasing in profile to strike out even higher in the rating. But that is criticism at the highest level, since the top league from Guyana simply has even more complexity, finesse and aromatics to offer. Nevertheless, a high-class representative of the current Demerara squad."
S.B.S Guyana SWR
Top review from Dr.Django:
"Ein Volltreffer! Der 2001er Jahrgang aus Guyana weiß zu überzeugen. Dieser Rum ist nicht sonderlich komplex. Kaffee, Schokolade, Leder, rote Trockenfrüchte, Röstaromen,... Sehr geschmeidig und angenehm am Gaumen, der Alkohol ist perfekt eingebunden. Dieser Rum ist gezähmt, zeigt absolut keine schärfe oder pfeffrigkeit. Wenn der am Gaumen noch etwas "fetter" wäre und die Aromen direkter, fände ich ihn noch besser. Andere mögen dieses unterschwellige und geschmeidige Aromenspiel mehr. So oder so, ein super Rum und ein excellenter Guyana!"
S.B.S Selected and bottled for Milhade SWR
Top review from DomM:
"In line with a lot of other older continental Guyanese bottlings this SWR need a tremendous time to breath in order to open up. This will help to reduce the bitterness on the finish and enhance the rum‘s complexity. For me it is on the edge of feeling to thin overall, however still very tasty and complex given enough time. Side-by-side the SBS bottling is clearly ahead of The Nectar. Side-by-side with some 2001 SWRs, the 1997 come out much more elegant and a little more moderated. Wood influence is more accentuated, on the edge of being overwhelming."
S.B.S Guyana REV
Top review from DomM:
"On their first encounter, SBS and Nobilis are very much toe to toe. Nose goes to Nobilis for a little more openness and complexity. SBS takes the palate with (comparably) less wood/bitterness which leaves more room for some dried red fruits, which I don’t really find in the Nobilis very much - on my first try at least 🤔 Both very nice REVs, if you do enjoy this kind of dark and bitter profile."
S.B.S Trinidad HTR
Top review from cigares :
"La fameuse dégustation du coffret des single cask S.B.S. Le fût # 190. Le nez le plus fruité des quatre mais quand même avec des notes typiques de Caroni. La bouche elle aussi est très fruitée, les arômes Caroni viennent ensuite. Je sens comme une faiblesse en milieu de bouche. La seule finale fruitée de la série. Verre vide : les arômes sont un peu trop discrets. Quelques points au-dessous des fûts #53, #216 car moins équilibré."
S.B.S Trinidad HTR
Top review from cigares :
"The famous S.B.S. single cask tasting. Cask # 193. The best nose of the four, deep and balanced between fruity aromas and machine shop notes. The palate is disappointing, with clashed aromas and not-so-well-integrated alcohol. The finish is long but a little weak compared with the other 3. Best of the 4 on an empty glass."
S.B.S Jamaica <>H
Top review from Leo Tomczak:
"Beautiful 2013 <>H that requires concentration and a lot of time to breathe. Compared to the other 2013/2014s, much more pleasant mouthfeel and noticeably more tropical fruit. Great value for money."
Ron Esclavo XO Cask
Top review from TheJackDrop:
"Quite a classic aroma for a bourbon-fired solera. Well-integrated alcohol, fairly thick, lots of aroma, a note of vanilla, wood and candied fruit, quite strong on the finish. A very fine discovery."
S.B.S Jamaica (Rum & Co) DOK
Top review from Dr.Django:
"A DOK that lives up to its name. Lots of esters and totally funky. The combination with sherry, which I am usually very skeptical about, is a success here. The alcohol is not perfectly integrated and the finish is a little peppery. Given the abv, however, this should come as no surprise."
S.B.S Mauritius 2009
Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:
"Another rum from my new favorite distillery Grays. And this rum does not disappoint at all, the opposite is the case: he inspires (me)! Just look at the color of the rum in the bottle! 😍 Wonderfully dark, hard to believe in a rum from the year 2009. (Was there but helped?) Anyway, a very, very pleasant-balanced rum, deep, spicy, fruity, the for me identity-creating currant note may not be missing. Round thing, alcohol well integrated, acceptable PLV - recommendation especially for all who like to walk off the beaten path."
S.B.S Guyana 2014 PM/DHE
Top review from SaibotZtar :
"Very fruity on the nose with some glue, PM comes through only slightly.On the palate first fruity much glue then you notice but that it is a Guyana with some wood, chocolate and light herbal note.Absolutely exciting rum.I like very much."
S.B.S Fiji
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"Another retaste and it lost a few points, but still a great rum looking at the price tag. Price to quality you get a lot for your money. Fruit and esters combined with a nice spicy and warm palate. I get a light honey note on the nose and palate as well as a hint of mint on the finish. Really nice rum."
S.B.S Jamaica (PX Cask Matured) NYE/WK
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"This one is really good and the ABV has been integrated really well. Once rested you barely get the 58.3%. Fresh and fruity with light cinnamon and lovely wood. Kind of sweet on the palate."
S.B.S Guyana SVL
Top review from SaibotZtar :
"Very spicy nose ... Wood, sherry, candied fruit... Leather , quite sweetish minimal floral hints. On the palate again sweetish bitter ... Wood, roasted nuts ... Nougat. Dried fruits and again slightly floral. No surprise but quite ok."
S.B.S Jamaica (Single Origin Rum) TECA
Top review from Mirko Frosini 🇮🇪:
"Loving long ponds, I decided to purchase a white. I expected more marzipan, which I love in its aged counterpart, however it is a remarkable white. Complex, strong in the solvent part, but never overdone. Olive and esters on the nose. In the mouth solvents and a fleeting roasted/smoky note. On the finish pineapple and lychee, medium-long duration.Whites for me must have a different evaluation than amber."
Single Origin Rum Australia <KLK>
Top review from Galli33:
"This was one of the highlights for me at the 13. GRF!! Unknown australian distillery, white rum with perfect integration of alcohol and a remarkable taste of strawberry, yoghurt (reminds me on Yoghurette), ester, caramel! I wish to post now the meme of McMahon 😜 Very cool :3 It will make a delicious daiquiri😬"
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"Another release where the price tag is really good compared to what you get. Fruity with natural sweetness and caramel. The palate is nice and warm as I like it and the chocolate and coffee balances the overall profile. I had to rest it for a good while before the flavours really came through."
S.B.S Guyana 2020 PM
Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:
"Not mine at all. Citrus drain cleaner with a pungent neutral alcohol base. Everyone else who tasted the rum thought it was at least ok. Not me. Sorry. But I'm always skeptical about Virgin Cask, it can quickly go wrong."
S.B.S Single Origin Rum PM
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"Another nice white from S.B.S and the price is pretty good compared to what you get. This one can also be used to sip, on the rocks or in a mixer. I liked it a lot on the rocks as well where other flavours come to life. Not a Habitation Velier, but still pretty decent."
Companero Ron Panama Extra Anejo
Top review from Tim :
"Dieser Rum ist etwas besonderes! 12 Jahre im Bourbon-Fass mit einem Finish in Fässern, die mit Kakao gefüllt waren, weshalb man hier die voll Drönung Schokolade bekommt. Etwas alkoholische Schärfe leider ist auch mit dabei."
Patridom Seleccion Exclusiva
Top review from TheRhumhoe:
"Rebranded by Ron Esclavo, this juice is intended to be gentle and simplistic enough to appeal to as many people as possible. On the nose, scents of raisin and dried fruit mingle with oak, caramel, sweet vanilla spices and nuts. It's enticing enough for someone just discovering it, but bland enough for a finer nose. On the palate, the chocolate comes through with coffee, caramel, spices and raisin. It's mellow, sweet, without much complexity, just an easy-drinking candy for aperitifs. No need to wonder whether the alcohol is well integrated here. The finish is surprisingly longer than expected, but the aromas remain simple and identical to those described: sugar, coffee, caramel, raisins, chocolate, vanilla and light oak. A small rum for small occasions."
Ron Esclavo XO 23 Años
Top review from Stefan Persson:
"Much too sweet for me! At the nose it’s round with aromas of vanilla, caramel and cocoa. At the palate and during the medium long finish it’s sweet and round with flavors of vanilla, caramel and chocolate."
Coloma 24 Days Of Rum Calendar 2022
Top review from Timo Groeger:
"A very good rum. A nice coffee and vanilla note on the nose. The taste is of course also vanilla and coffee. There is also a slight hint of caramel. The rum is slightly sweet, but perfectly ok."
Companero Elixir Orange
Top review from Lutz Lungershausen :
"06.2024 Erster Eindruck: Orange! Nase: Orange, Früchte Geschmack: spritzig, Fruchtstäbchen Abgang: kurz Gesamteindruck: fruchtiges Likörchen 2022 Sehr süß, stark aromatisiert, Jamaika kann man allenfalls erahnen – mehr ein Dessert als zum puren Genuß. Ich nutze ihn zum Beträufeln von Gebäck und als Schuß zu Nachspeisen."
Rammstein Rum
Top review from Stefan Persson:
"This is the third Rock Band rum I’ve tasted, after Motörhead and Kizz, and the best one so far. The Rum, bottled by Danish 1423, is aged for up to twelve years in former bourbon barrels and bottled at ABV 40%. It’s a blend of rum from Jamaica, Guyana and Trinidad. By using pot still rum from Jamaica and Guyana and column still rum from Trinidad they’ve built up a well balanced rum with a strong aroma and a lot of character. The aroma, the taste and the quite long finish is strong and full-bodied. I recognize fruits, pepper, some burnt tones as well as some oak."
Ron Esclavo 12 Años
Top review from Stefan Persson:
"Tried this in a hotel bar with very limited range. Would never have tried it under normal circumstances, cause I had earlier tested the XO and thought it was much too sweet. This one is also too sweet for me, but less than the XO."
Whistler Master Solera (24 Days Of Rum Advent Calendar)
Top review from Timo Groeger:
"For me, again clearly better than what the community thinks. Tastes slightly fruity and woody to me, but very tasty. Also has more like the standardized 40% :) e A normal rum, suitable for beginners."
Companero Ron Gran Reserva
Top review from Tim :
"Rather weak, hardly any flavors present, especially in the mouth and aftertaste. The base spirit was probably already not good, but the rum was watered down too much, but still has a rather alcoholic sharpness."
5 Casks Edition (24 Days Of Rum Advent Calendar 2022)
Top review from Artur Schönhütte:
"This Rum is too young for it's own good. On top of that it had this acidic quality that a lot of not well-balanced fermentation yeasts produces. They clearly are good technical. But still they fail to produce something enjoyable here."
Community reviews of 1423 World Class Spirits
Most bottled by 1423 World Class Spirits
- Hampden 28 rums
- Oliver & Oliver 26 rums
- Worthy Park 21 rums
- Alcoholes Finos Dominicanos 20 rums
- Travellers 12 rums
- Caroni 9 rums
- Grays 9 rums
- Long Pond 7 rums
All rums bottled by 1423 World Class Spirits
- Companero Ron Panama Extra Anejo 12yr 54% RX18
- Rammstein Rum 12yr 40% RX119
- Companero Elixir Orange 40% RX199
- Oliver & Oliver Ron Esclavo XO 23 Años <23yr 42% RX138
- A.F.D. Patridom XO Cask 65% RX14076
- Enmore S.B.S Guyana REV 1994 26yr 48,5% RX9537
- Whistler Master Solera (24 Days Of Rum Advent Calendar) 46% RX14359
- New Yarmouth S.B.S Jamaica 1994 26yr 57% RX9402