Albert Michler Distillery

There are 47 rums from Albert Michler Distillery in the RumX database.

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Top rated rums from Albert Michler Distillery

Jamaica Rum

Albert Michler Distillery • Worthy Park
RX11348   2006   13yr   51%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica Rum
8.6/10 (25)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"When looking at the price this rum gives you a lot for your money. The nose is complex with lots of fruit, spice and toffee as well as bourbon and light minty notes. The palate is also complex, sweet and warm with lots of fruit and spices trailed by roasted wood notes. The finish is long and warm with spices, fruits and light chocolate. Make sure you rest it before nosing and sipping and try to leave the empty glass for a few hours and whiff it again."

1994 Jamaica

Albert Michler Distillery • New Yarmouth
RX14134   1994   28yr   67,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum1994 Jamaica
8.5/10 (26)

Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:

"An der Nase Sahnebonbons, verlockend. Am Gaumen irgendwie indifferent, kaum Frucht, aber immerhin mit gut eingebundenem Alkohol. Für mich am unteren Ende der tollen Liga der 94er NY. Update 2023-07-27: Eindeutig Abwertung. Warum? In der heutigen Blindverkostung kippt der Rum (aus derselben Flasche) unangenehm ins Saure. Und das nicht nur bei mir. Und für mehr als 300 EUR Flaschenpreis auf keinen Fall empfehlenswert. Von 83 auf 78 Punkte. Schade."

Trinidad Rum CZ&SK

Albert Michler Distillery • T.D.L
RX10867   2002   18yr   64,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad Rum CZ&SK
8.4/10 (36)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"19.03.2022 A nice evening planned by a friend of mine at this wonderful location. Notes Medium dark in colour. Nose Light wood, honey, light medicinal, light varnish, herbs, light mint, light apple. Palate Fresh, light wood, mint, varnish, light medicinal, herbs, fruity, faint nutts. Finish Long and warm, light wood, mint, light herbs, light medicinal, light nutts."

1994 Jamaica

Albert Michler Distillery • New Yarmouth
RX16559   1994   27yr   52,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum1994 Jamaica
8.4/10 (13)

Top review from zabo:

"Messebewertung Village'25 Nürnberg. Blind verkostet, da mir Jarek sein Glas hingehalten hat. New Yarmouth habe ich natürlich erkannt. Einen den ich schon lange probieren wollte. Leider verpasst dieser ein den Anschluss zu seinen Konkurrenten und wirkt ein wenig dünn. Eher ein easy Sipper. Was seiner Qualität aber keinen großen Abbruch macht."

Trnava Rum Fest 2022

Albert Michler Distillery • Compania Licorera
RX13984   2003   19yr   77%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrnava Rum Fest 2022
8.3/10 (17)

Top review from Filip Šikula:

"Velmi velmi zajímavé plnění. Podle vůně, ve které jsem cítil jednohnačně sladký profil - karamel, hnědý cukr a trochu dřeva mě v chuti velmi překvapil ovocń podtón. Abv je uz opravdu vyšší, nicméně hezky integrované a vytváří dlouhý a hřejivý závěr."

1998 Guyana

Albert Michler Distillery • Uitvlugt
RX14133   1998   24yr   58,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum1998 Guyana
8.2/10 (38)

Top review from Palo - V Poháriku:

"Could use a bit better alcohol integration, but still a nice intensive stuff."

Trinidad Rum

Albert Michler Distillery • T.D.L
RX16063   2002   18yr   48%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad Rum
8.2/10 (32)

Top review from Filip Šikula:

"Today I will taste a thinner version of the filling for cz&sk. I usually prefer a higher abv, so we'll see. On the nose you have, technical "dirtiness", vanilla. On the palate you can tell the lower abv, but surprisingly it didn't hurt that much. The mint comes through strongly and is clearly dominant, medium finish with the fruit following. Nice."

Barbados (Trnava Rum Fest 2023)

Albert Michler Distillery • Foursquare
RX18484   2010   12yr   53,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBarbados (Trnava Rum Fest 2023)
8.2/10 (17)

Top review from Martin Ekrt:

"Vůně taková klasická od Foursquare. Extra finiš beni znát. V chuti FS taky poznáte, ale je tak parádně vyhlazený. Tohle je pro mě cesta, jak zhodnotit rum. Originální FS převážně jen v sudu po bourbonu je pro mě nuda, takže jsem rád, že aspoň nezávislý plnič udělá nějaký experiment."

Nicaragua (Dufftown Finish)

Albert Michler Distillery • Compania Licorera
RX15372   2008   13yr   61,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumNicaragua (Dufftown Finish)
8.1/10 (20)

Top review from Roman Lelek:

"Už když jsem přivonel, došlo mi, že takovýhle styl rumu jsem ještě nepil…ve vůni cítím něco jako citrusy dřevo..ale taky to muže být rašelina…trochu zemitosti také. Zaujala mě pro mě trochu nezvykle měděná… bez koukání mě napadlo, že v to cítím něco z Flor de caňa, ale nedokázal jsem to zařadit ani do země. Rum mi chutnal, vzorek byl fajn, ale celou láhev bych nechtěl."

Nicaragua (Clynelish Finish)

Albert Michler Distillery • Compania Licorera
RX15373   2008   13yr   60,9%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumNicaragua (Clynelish Finish)
8.0/10 (17)

Top review from Filip Kalinovský:

"Velmi prijemny rum v plneni pro cz/sk komunitu , ve vuni a rovnez v chuti jde krasne citit finischovani po Clynelish whiskey , jsem hodne udiven ze se to az tak hodne propsalo do chuti. Zabavny silny rum, za mne stoji za nakup."


Albert Michler Distillery • Foursquare
RX10151   2001   19yr   51%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBarbados
8.0/10 (13)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"A very nice rum and the same age as the oldest The Duchess. Lots of spices and kind of heavy on the vanilla without being dominant. There is no doubt what distillery made this rum and Michler kind of made a nice finish. "


Albert Michler Distillery
RX21049   2004   62,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumNicaragua
8.0/10 (10)

2010 Fiji

Albert Michler Distillery • South Pacific
RX14130   2010   12yr   68%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum2010 Fiji
7.9/10 (30)

Top review from Filip Šikula:

"Pro mě poměrně neprobádaná destinace v tomto případě na nose spoustu kokosu, čokolády, ale taky spousta alkoholu. V chuti výrazná sladkost a kokos a alkohol. Záveř dlouhý, kokos cítím ještě dlouho po dopití."

2012 Fiji

Albert Michler Distillery • South Pacific
RX14177   2012   10yr   66,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum2012 Fiji
7.6/10 (21)

Top review from Filip Heimerle:

"Nijak neoslovilo..moc ostry"

Dominican Rep. (For Varadero Rum & Cigar) House)

Albert Michler Distillery
RX13473   13yr   49%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDominican Rep. (For Varadero Rum & Cigar) House)
7.5/10 (16)

Top review from Pavel Spacek:

"Such a sweet vanilla taste"

Austrian Empire Navy Rum Reserva 1863

Albert Michler Distillery
RX293   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAustrian Empire Navy Rum Reserva 1863
7.1/10 (92)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"This is a rum in the cheaper end of the spectrum. Also a sweet rum, not to sweet and probably a very good starter rum. The nose comes off sweet from honey and molasses and descends into primarily vanilla with a hint of chocolate. The palate is sweet with some roasted banana, vanilla and cherry. There is a bit of creaminess to it. The finish is medium long and oily, sweet and vanilla dominates. "

Austrian Empire Navy Rum Cognac Cask

Albert Michler Distillery
RX4467   46,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAustrian Empire Navy Rum Cognac Cask
7.1/10 (11)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"Another nice tasting finished, this time with rums from the Domenican Republic. This is not the best rum from this manufacturer and it is confusing in the taste to say the least. Vanilla is extremely dominant in this version and despite me liking vanilla in my rum, this one is too pungent. "

Jamaica & Trinidad (Trnava Rum Fest 2014)

Albert Michler Distillery • Multi Distilleries
RX21040   2014   10yr   57,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica & Trinidad (Trnava Rum Fest 2014)
7.1/10 (10)

Michlers Rum White Overproof

Albert Michler Distillery
RX6212   63%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMichlers Rum White Overproof
7.1/10 (10)

Top review from Kamil Křenek:

"Taste very mild I am surprised that it has 63% I think it’s less"

Ron Espero Reserva Extra Ultimo

Albert Michler Distillery
RX7709   20yr   42%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRon Espero Reserva Extra Ultimo
7.0/10 (21)

Top review from Gregor :

"Quite sweet. No lasting impression"

Austrian Empire Navy Rum Anniversary

Albert Michler Distillery
RX592   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAustrian Empire Navy Rum Anniversary
7.0/10 (11)

Top review from Rumpalumpa:

"Gut trinkbater Süßrum. An der Nase Kokos und etwas weihnachtliche Gewürze. Am Gaumen ziemlich süß, Fasswürze und wieder viel Kokos. Aber eher künstlich. Kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass da nicht aromatisiert wurde. Das leere Glas reicht nach einer Weile toll nach Pfirsich"

Austrian Empire Navy Rum Solera 18

Albert Michler Distillery • Oliver & Oliver
RX1308   <18yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAustrian Empire Navy Rum Solera 18
6.9/10 (34)

Top review from rum_sk:

"Revisiting: Nose is sweet, mostly vanilla with hints of plumes and raisins and you get the same in the taste where plumes are dominant. The rum is fairly sweet but not in a bad way actually this is balanced really well. Finish is medium long. As a matter of fact I have not tasted bad rum from AM to this day. Of course, they add sugar to most, if not all rums, but honestly, and eventhough some of their bottles are way too sweet, this one along with reserva 1863 are well balanced and I truly like it a lot. Initial score 74 downgraded to 71. Still a nice rum. Downgrading again, it is very dull in taste in comparison with other in the same brand."

Michlers Rum Jamaica Dark

Albert Michler Distillery
RX3570   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMichlers Rum Jamaica Dark
6.9/10 (19)

Top review from Jan Havelka:

"Typická Jamaica from first impression. Strong nosing with typical esters with hints of Wood. Taste Is rounder than i expected And for me most dominant Is dark chocolate alcohol And coffee. Finish pleasant definettely Will try again"

Old Bert Jamaican Spiced (Recipe No. 120)

Albert Michler Distillery
RX8798   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumOld Bert Jamaican Spiced (Recipe No. 120)
6.8/10 (26)

Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:

"Abschreckend. Wenn der Abgang nicht wäre, der irgendwie nach Grasschnitt schmeckt, wäre diese Spirituose bei mir komplett durchgefallen."

Ron Espero Cocoa & Rum Liqueur Creole

Albert Michler Distillery
RX17265   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRon Espero Cocoa & Rum Liqueur Creole
6.5/10 (13)

Top review from Timo Groeger:

"Der ist jetzt gar nicht mal sooo schlecht. Natürlich überwiegend Kaffee in Nase und Gaumen. Aber auch leichte Noten von Schokolade und Karamell sind hier zu erkennen. Bislang der Beste heute, aber gleich kommen noch 3 Caronis ;-)"

The Rum Factory

Albert Michler Distillery • Bodegas de America S.A
RX3388   10yr   41%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumThe Rum Factory
5.8/10 (11)

Top review from Timo Groeger:

"Ja der ist echt nicht gut, die Durchschnittsbewertung trifft hier zu :-) Jedenfalls eine sehr alkoholischen Nase, auch Schokolade kommt zum Vorschein. Finde ihn am Gaumen dann zu süss (Schokolade und Kaffee), auch sehr alkoholisch und zu kräftig."

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