Bristol Classic Rum
There are 150 rums from Bristol Classic Rum in the RumX database.
Show all rums from Bristol Classic RumTop rated rums from Bristol Classic Rum
Rockley Still
Top review from Rodolphe:
"Blind tasting tonight. The nose is great. A big salad of exotic fruits in the foreground. A little almond powder behind, some dried fruit, a hint of rubber. A nose that makes you want to drink it, really! I really like it. On the palate, the woodiness is more noticeable, as are certain aromas such as candied prunes. A little less fruity. A wonderful discovery, I found it really very good, but I didn't guess at all, I thought it was a Jamaican-dominated navy blend."
Top review from Mirko Frosini 🇮🇪:
"I love the Carons, I love them so much that I find it hard to be impartial. I won't go into it because it would just be fancy words anyway! Nice Caroni, but surely there will be better. Of the ones I have tasted this one I think is the most distinctive because it remains excellently balanced between the typical tar notes and the peaty/smoky whisky notes. Far superior to the Rum Nation 21y Caroni aged in Scotland. Let's be clear that this is not a classic Caroni! Finish not as long as other Caronis."
Top review from Jakob:
"Erstaunlich frische Nase für das hohe Alter. Die Fruchtnoten rücken am Gaumen aber mit zunehmender Länge in den Hintergrund, dafür kommt eine schöne Süsse und etwas mehr Holzeinschlag zum Vorschein - dabei kippt der Rum aber keinesfalls in zu bittere Sphären. Leider fehlt mir insgesamt aber ein wenig die aromatische Raffinesse, weshalb am Ende ein zwar sehr leckerer Rum im Glas bleibt, der sich aber nicht ganz in die absolute Topliga einreihen kann."
Top review from cigares :
"Dégustation de quelques Caronis de chez Bristol. Fin d’une bouteille, une excellente chose pour apprécier un Caroni. Le verre embaume la pièce avant même de mettre le nez dessus. Un nez fort et doux à la fois avec de l’orange amère, du chocolat noir et un parfum de vin rouge et bien sûr les parfums typiques de la distillerie. Une attaque vive mais aussitôt après débarquent les fruits et les arômes d’atelier mécanique. Une finale longue et savoureuse où revient l’orange amère et le chocolat. Un rhum dur et fermé à l’ouverture de la bouteille, mais savoureux avec de l’oxydation et même encore meilleur avec beaucoup d’oxydation et magnifique en fin de bouteille. Un des meilleurs de la dégustation."
Top review from mto75:
"Absolut erstaunlich wie intensiv der ist mit seinen 46% ABV. An der Nase rote Früchte, Tabak, Vanille und Lack / Lösungsmittel. Am Gaumen Kirschbaumholz, Tabak, Mokka und Gummi. So positiv überrascht von einem ‚46er’ war ich das letzte Mal beim CdI Kaiman!"
Top review from Frank:
"RumX Advent Calendar, 18.12., blind.First impression: clearly Caroni! Dirty fruity, not too complicated, >60%. Good.Nose: as said, pleasantly dirty fruity, strong and complex. Sweet tar and burnt rubber. Red currant and a very slight hint of mint. Back polish and cold smoke.Palate: powerful and complex on the palate as well. Dry and woody and salty-bitter at the start. Then gum rub and polish, maybe some dried cherry and grapefruit. Very drinkable and beautiful Caroni representative."
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"This is yet another release of the 1997 Caroni and it has just gotten better with even more aging. A nice Trinidad and Tobago blend that shines beside the other 1997 releases. You may want to add a drop or two of water if you think it bites too much or you just leave it to rest for 15-30 minutes. A wonderful nose transferring into a full bodied complex rum with a long warm finish. "
Top review from cigares :
"Un très beau nez qui laisse présager des merveilles. Caoutchouc, fruits secs un côté rôti et du bois noble. La bouche est un peu déçevante, diluée mais avec un menthol/eucalyptus frais très intéressant. La finale est un combat entre le menthol et l’atelier mécanique. Un beau rhum de chez Bristol, sa trop forte dilution, à mon goût, lui fait perdre des points. Par contre on le boit facilement et il est très agréable. Merci Rodolphe pour le sample."
Reserve Rum of Trinidad HTR
Top review from cigares :
"A rum tasted at Rum Depot in Berlin. The bottle is almost empty. Full Caroni nose, tires, petrol and tar with a surprising but very pleasant freshness. The palate has a clean attack, with notes of machine shop first, then comes the freshness (menthol?) sensed on the nose, fruit last. The finish is a little pale in comparison, with fruit and a woodiness that was barely present before. The empty glass shows a lovely balance between fruit and machine shop. A very fine Caroni, too bad its finish is a little weak."
Rockley Still
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"11.05.2008 Sanya in China is what Mallorca and Ibiza is to the Europeans. A beautiful place with long sandy beaches and mostly 5 star hotels. Notes. Light in colour. Smoky wood with some banana and coconut. Oily naturally sweet palate with added caramel and spices. Finish is medium long and sweet with light smoke and spices."
Trinidad Rum for Haromex Dev.
Top review from zabo:
"Edit: RumX Adventskalender 2024 Bonus 1 Bin nicht draufgekommen, aber heute durch die lange (unfreiwillige) Standzeit hatte ich dann die dreckigen Caroni Noten mit dabei. Ich finde ihn immer noch sau lecker. Für mich ein schöner TDL. Braucht nur ein wenig im Glas, aber dann ist er sehr gut zu genießen. Edit: 19.09.23 nochmal verkostet, nachdem ich zuvor den Swell Privat Garden #4 im Glas hatte. Ich finde diesen um einiges besser. Dieser hat mehr Kraft und nach einiger Zeit entfaltet er seine ganze Bandbreite."
Old Demerara Rum (Port Cask Maturation)
Top review from Jakob:
"Tasted at the GRF in Berlin - positive surprise, because if you expect to taste a dilution in this bottling due to the not too high alcohol content, you will be proven wrong in view of the very compact profile. Very nice Guyana rum, but at a price."
Top review from cigares :
"A fairly dark rum with a very fruity nose of varnish and cedar wood. The palate is smooth, balanced with fruit and cedar, as well as a taste of beeswax. The finish is rather long, ending on fruit and wood. As much as this kind of reduction has "killed" some Bristol Caronis, here it's justified and makes this rum dangerously drinkable 😇."
Port Morant Demerara Rum
Top review from cigares :
"A rum tasted in a restaurant, the bottle well started. A superb nose, like a clubhouse with old varnished wood, a light smokiness coming from the fireplace, dried fruits on the counter. Big disappointment on the palate, which doesn't live up to its olfactory promises. Diluted but with a beautiful bitterness, a surprising vegetal side. The finish is short but elegant. The empty glass reveals the lost aromas with a lovely fruity woodiness."
Trinidad Rum for Haromex Dev.
Top review from Jakob:
"Sehr zurückhaltende Nase, primär Eichenholz, Vanille, dazu dezente Früchte. Am Gaumen wirds etwas fülliger, was auch an etwas stechendem Alkoholeinfluss liegt. Dazu kommen leichte Nussnoten und etwas Milchkaffee- und Schokoladenaromen. Interessant, im Direktvergleich mit anderen Trindidad-Rums aus dem 2000er-Spektrum aber fast schon unauffällig und nichtssagend: Die Frische und Fruchtigkeit fehlt, auch die kühlende Tiefe ist praktisch inexistent. Kein schlechter Rum, aber weit von der Spitzenklasse der TDLs entfernt. Der Jahrgang 2006 scheint bei TDL eher dem klassischen Profil der Pre-2000er Ära zu entsprechen, was mit diversen Anleihen am spanischen Stil aufwartet."
Demerara Rum Enmore Still
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"A pretty good rum also a bit thin but price to quality is pretty good. The nose is woody with fruits, spices and a light leather note. The palate is oily and woody with fruits, spices, leather and licorice. The finish is medium long and woody with spices and raisin."
Cuban Rum Sherry Finish
Top review from DomM:
"The finish works quite well here but also dominates the profile. Intensity is pretty good given the low ABV, however, the finish adds a lot of sweetness. While the sherry is dominating, adding red fruits and a smooth mouthfeels, the profile is not overly complex."
Dominican Rum (Madeira Wood Finish)
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"27.08.2022 Going through samples at home. Notes Medium dark in colour. Nose Light, sweet, light wood, faint smoke, fruity, banana, Madeira, light chocolate. Palate Light, round, light wood, naturally sweet, fruits, banana, Madeira, light caramel, faint chocolate. Finish Medium long, light wood, fruits, light caramel, raisin, light babana, Madeira. Extra note. I used to drink a lot of Madeira in my younger days and the flavours are there and so is the sweetness."
Demerara Rum
Top review from Vincent D:
"Le nez n'est pas désagréable. Très sucré de prime abord, mais aussi trop d'alcool au départ. On arrive quand même à y déceler des touches fruitées : un fruit doux type pêche ou abricot. Presque un bonbon. Une fois en bouche, tout s'écroule : alcool et amertume. La réduction a été brutale. C'est aqueux et plat. Pour un Diamond 1999, on est loin du compte. La finale est moins mauvaise, mais pas beaucoup plus agréable. Et malheureusement, ça reste assez longtemps en bouche."
Felicite Gold Trinidad Rum
Top review from cigares :
"Un Caroni historique conservé à la distillerie dans des cuves inox et dilué à l’alcool neutre (de chez Caroni). C’est exactement à ça que pouvait ressembler le Caroni d’avant Luca. Le “Caroni FELICITE” était un embouteillage officiel de Caroni. Le nez est léger avec des fruits tropicaux, du beurre et de l’atelier mécanique. L’attaque en bouche est légère, puis les arômes montent en puissance, mais rien de spectaculaire. La finale est trop courte, hélas. Le verre vide est beau avec un bel atelier mécanique. Un Caroni décevant pour l’amateur mais très buvable et parfait pour ajouter à ma crème glacée. Nettement en dessous du Bristol VSOC 2003."
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"08.01.2022 Nice little tasting at my home with a few colleagues. Notes Medium to dark in colour. Nose Light, light wood, faint smoke, fruits, light earthy, plum, faint orange. Palate Light, thin, light wood, light citrus, faint pineapple, spice, faint coffee, prunes. Finish Short to medium, light, fruits, light tobacco, faint caramel. Extra note. Watered down way too much."
Reserve Rum of Mauritius
Top review from Harald:
"Farbe: Altgold Geruch: Süß, frisch, leicht und fruchtig (Apfel). Zudem alkoholisch mit Vanille Aromen. Geschmack: Süß, mild, mit der Zeit dann alkoholisch-würzig. Beim Schlucken würzig, vergorene Früchte, billiger Sherry, Feige, Karamell. Abgang: Mittellang Würzig Vergorene Früchte, wird dann zunehmend bitter und unangenehm. Trocken, holzig und bitter-fruchtig im Nachgeschmack. 69 Punkte"
Community reviews of Bristol Classic Rum
Most bottled by Bristol Classic Rum
- Caroni 35 rums
- Port Mourant 21 rums
- Enmore 14 rums
- Clarendon 12 rums
- Compania Licorera 7 rums
- Long Pond 6 rums
- Sancti Spiritus 6 rums
- West Indies 5 rums
All rums bottled by Bristol Classic Rum
- Bristol Caroni HTR 1997 19yr 61,5% RX819
- Bristol Long Pond 1985 37yr 49,5% RX12485
- Bristol T.D.L Trinidad Rum for Haromex Dev. 2006 13yr 59,8% RX4274
- Bristol Caroni HTR 1997 20yr 61,5% RX1057
- Bristol Caroni HTR 1997 22yr 56,4% RX1514
- Bristol Caroni Haromex 1998 21yr 58,7% RX5766
- Bristol Caroni VSOC 2003 10yr 40% RX159
- Bristol Caroni HTR 1997 18yr 61,5% RX358