Compagnie des Indes

There are 417 rums from Compagnie des Indes in the RumX database.

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Top rated rums from Compagnie des Indes

Jamaica HLCF

Compagnie des Indes • Hampden
RX1022   1992   24yr   59,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica HLCF
9.0/10 (41)

Top review from Lawich Lowaine:

"Simply magnificent. A bottle to have in your bar. A surprising color for its age. An explosion of tropical fruit on all sides, both on the nose and on the palate. Superbly crafted, with great complexity and well-integrated alcohol. I wonder if it even deserves more than 91%."

Jamaica (Bottled for Denmark)

Compagnie des Indes • New Yarmouth
RX611   2005   12yr   65,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica (Bottled for Denmark)
9.0/10 (31)

Top review from SaibotZtar :

"Great !!! NY at its best, at least for me. Great fruit, lots of ester, marzipan and an incredible mouthfeel. Together with the SBS 2005 my personal reference when it comes to New Yarmouth (2005). Unfortunately really hard to get at a reasonable price."

Jamaica (Bottled for Denmark)

Compagnie des Indes • New Yarmouth
RX406   2005   13yr   64,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica (Bottled for Denmark)
8.9/10 (37)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"karamellisierte Banane, Vanillepudding, Marzipan, Honig Brioche, Mango und maraschino Kirsche an der Nase. insgesamt deutlich "dunkler" wie der 12er. geschmacklich dann etwas pfirsich Eistee, Muskatnuss, mango und Kumquatmarmelade und salziges brioche mit Marzipan und Karamell. im Abgang dann eher dunkle Schokolade, Mandeln und eher pelzig und nicht so funky & fruchtig cremig wie sein 12 jähriger Kollege. auch mehr Holz und tannine spürbar beim 13er im Vergleich zum 12er!"

Jamaica (Bottled for Perola)

Compagnie des Indes • New Yarmouth
RX13284   2009   12yr   60,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica (Bottled for Perola)
8.8/10 (78)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"The almost 3 years more in the barrel have done the rum in my opinion very good. Alcohol is almost perfectly integrated. Clearly smoother and quaffable as the two predecessors of RA and in my opinion also more intense typical cookie dough note, plus baking spices, lots of pineapple and banana bread and minimal citrus notes and light roast flavors. Wood is clearly perceived more intense but at no point too much. Probably the best thing CDI has brought out in a long time! And also in the Mai Tai he topped the two RA's again clearly because the additional wood here simply brings more harmony purely. Mega delicious just!"

Trinidad (Premium Spirits)

Compagnie des Indes • T.D.L
RX17301   2003   20yr   61,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad (Premium Spirits)
8.8/10 (63)

Top review from cigares :

"An initial agricultural nose with dried herbs, lime, fruit, menthol and eucalyptus. Flowers too. The menthol, fruit and flowers are reminiscent of TDL, however, and contradict my first impression. On the palate, TDL aromas dominate: fruit, menthol and flowers. A nice acidity invigorates this rum, while a dirty, gasoline, tar and medicinal side gives it depth. On the finish, the wood stands out, an elegant cedar wood with a light bitterness. The aromas fade gently, with fruit and flowers lingering for a very long time. A very fine rum, thanks Mirko for the sample."

Trinidad (Bottled for the 1802)

Compagnie des Indes • T.D.L
RX12495   2003   19yr   57,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad (Bottled for the 1802)
8.8/10 (45)

Top review from lukasdrinkinghabits:

"Rum or cognac? Could you say for sure in the blind tasting? I can't. Yes the TDL mint, along with ginger, cloves, citrus you can detect, but there is also the peach, grapey cognac flavors galore. Compared to the Caksus exclusive, the 1802 is brighter and fruitier and without the dark roasted aromas.The same picture in the mouth: mint and bright fruit - very cognacresque. My TDL Falernum to go with it. Actually tastes like a blend of the dirty 2001 and the fruity 2002s. Compared to the Caksus, the finish is much smoother and much less menthol-heavy, here the rösitge barrel does come out again and the alcohol remains perceptible, unfortunately. Very nice TDL."

Jamaica (Bottled for Germany) DOK

Compagnie des Indes • Hampden
RX295   2009   9yr   60%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica (Bottled for Germany) DOK
8.8/10 (36)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"Favorite DOK, best PLV and just a Brett🤙🏼an the nose full broadside glue and nail polish remover, plus pineapple, green apple, mirabelle, some yogurt, grapefruit peel, butter brioche and honey banana...taste then for 60% DOK very smooth, creamy and funky after glue and pineapple, fully ripe mirabelle, honeydew melon and salty brioche butter bun with baked honey banana. very awesome.... then in the finish comes surprisingly dark chocolate and some toffee, plus again the pineapple and mirabelle. absolutely terrific just! 🙏"

Reunion (Selected by Rum Stylez) Grand Arôme

Compagnie des Indes • Savanna
RX7675   2008   12yr   58,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumReunion (Selected by Rum Stylez) Grand Arôme
8.8/10 (36)

Top review from Oliver:

"Very good Savanna!"

Jamaica (Bottled for Denmark)

Compagnie des Indes • New Yarmouth
RX13856   2009   12yr   59,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica (Bottled for Denmark)
8.8/10 (33)

Top review from DomM:

"Just a bit more fruit forwards on the nose versus its brothers."

Trinidad (Bottled for Germany)

Compagnie des Indes • T.D.L
RX944   2003   16yr   63,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad (Bottled for Germany)
8.7/10 (60)

Top review from Galli33:

"Finally i opened my Xmas present 🤤 WoW what an amazing rum. Nice color and smell right from the opening to the last drop. Minty, nuts, dark chocolate, licorice, some fruits. Tastes a bit like After Eight..This is practically what i like the most! The alcohol and wood is intergrated very well. It’s a well balanced and super delicious, complex rum from TDL!! Lovely!! Nose: Minty, floral, black tea, green, menthol, delicious, fruity, woody(oak), spicy, licorice, nutty, almond, a bit a sweetness Mouth: Strong, full bodied, complex, elegant, balanced, oily, dry, round, astringend, minty, tobacco, green, mango and plum, menthol, burnt sugar, spicy, licorice, woody(oak), nutty, roasted almonds, dark chocolate Finish: long, dry, full bodied, delicious, menthol, minty, Thymne, black tea, oak"

Reunion (Bottled for Germany)

Compagnie des Indes • Savanna
RX308   2007   12yr   61,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumReunion (Bottled for Germany)
8.7/10 (51)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"Pineapple / strawberry gummy bears on the nose high 10. but also Campino strawberry caramel vanilla yogurt candy 🤣Taste then also pineapple, strawberry candy, green sour granny smith apple and mint"

Trinidad (Bottled for Caksus)

Compagnie des Indes • T.D.L
RX11936   2003   18yr   56,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad (Bottled for Caksus)
8.6/10 (75)

Top review from Galli33:

"WoW another minty TDL from CDI. I really love this symbiosis between mint/anise and wood/nuts/roasted almonds. Very unique rum. The alcohol is integrated very well. Long minty finish 🤤The value for money ratio is very good too. For me this one is behind the ‘19 version. I found the 19 is more rounder and a bit woodier, which synergy smoother and better. PN: You won’t like it, if you hate minty/anise notes. For me: 16yr>18yr of aging"


Compagnie des Indes • T.D.L
RX1629   2003   16yr   63,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad
8.6/10 (38)

Top review from Tschusikowsky:

"Komplex, vielschichtig, intensiv. Eine Richtige Bombe! Rum wie ich ihn mag. Kraftvoll minzig und mit langem Abgang. Bewegt sich für mich in zwei Jahrgangswelten (01/03) jedoch mit wesentlich besserer Balance. Coole Abfüllung."


Compagnie des Indes • New Yarmouth
RX15802   2009   13yr   60,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica
8.6/10 (27)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"#4091 Now to some newer tastings again. Driven by someone asking me to source some bottles from Sweden I finally got one myself as well and what a bottle. Price to quality is very good in my mind. I rested the rum for a good while and the flavours just come at you from opening the bottle and while resting in the glass. A funky and intense rum with nice rotten bananas and spicy/warm palate. If you like Jamaica then you should give this one a try if you get near it."

Jamaica High Proof

Compagnie des Indes • New Yarmouth
RX280   2005   13yr   55%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica High Proof
8.5/10 (39)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"Hier sind mir pur persönlich etwas zu viel Gewürze dominant wie Muskatnuss und Ingwer, sowie vergorene Kiwi und geröstete Mandeln dazu. insgesamt sehr sehr lecker aber der 12er new Yarmouth hat ganz klar etwas die Nase vorn! Für drinks wie Corn'n'Oil aber absolut geil!"


Compagnie des Indes • Travellers
RX204   2005   11yr   66,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBelize
8.5/10 (27)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"für mich nach wie vor der heilige Gral in Sachen Belize. 🇧🇿🙏 gegrillte Ananas zum trinken in Fassstärke, ein Gedicht :) 🍍🔥 butterzart und weich trotz 66% und ein endlos genialer Abgang, übrigens auch der Rum der mich endgültig zu Fassstärke und Co vor 6 Jahren bei Perola gebracht hat :D sehr sehr geiler Stoff, sehr geradlinig und sexy 🤤😍🇧🇿🍍👌🏽"

Mauritius (Perola)

Compagnie des Indes • Grays
RX12864   2009   13yr   53,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMauritius (Perola)
8.4/10 (57)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"Clearly milder and more drinkable than the 11y old without finish. The additional 20 months in the Armagnac finish have softened the rum perfectly and taken him some of the edges. The 11y is clearly more funky and intense, this one is clearly more harmonious but still with enough power. Exciting are the light peachy / apricot notes with eucalyptus and dark chocolate with cappuccino, cinnamon, nutmeg and nuts, as well as some lemon zest and at the very end comes back to me the characteristic menthol / grapefruit peel note. I also like very well, almost a little better depending on the mood!😁🥳Anyway, both bottlings are imho absolute Mauritius Gray's benchmarks!👌🏽"

Mauritius (Perola)

Compagnie des Indes • Grays
RX12865   2010   11yr   57,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMauritius (Perola)
8.4/10 (36)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"Geiler scheiß. Sehr kräftig und intensiv, das Cognac Fass ist an keiner Stelle zu dominant macht das ganze aber schon auch sehr trocken, pelzig und adstringierend. Die intensiven bitteren Noten von Grapefruitschale, Bitterorange, sowie Eukalyptus Tee und Menthol Mundspülung sowie eine leichte Sauerkirsch Hals Bonbon sind einfach der Hammer und außergewöhnlich. Sehr abgefahrenes Mundgefühl! Definitiv imho mein persönlicher Benchmark Rum wenn's um Mauritius generell und die Grays Destillerie geht!"

Belize (Bottled for Perola)

Compagnie des Indes • Travellers
RX10130   2007   14yr   67,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBelize (Bottled for Perola)
8.4/10 (27)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"once again a very horny and unusual Belize Rum! 67.1% are definitely noticeable, which needs >15 minutes time to breathe! then comes really a wacky note of lemon, bergamot, as well as floral tones of elderberry, sandalwood, eucalyptus and baking spices to the fore, the typical pineapple note is here rather in the background.taste then very thick, oily and concentrated, the whole mouth virtually stuck with glue, dark chocolate, sandalwood and bergamot, as well as mocha and macaroons and caramelized meringue with some lemon zest,fat! overall very balanced despite the high % number. And an extremely unusual long finish...."


Compagnie des Indes • Multi Distilleries
RX743   46yr   46%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumKaiman
8.3/10 (50)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"Retasting this one I admit that I would really have loved this rum to have a higher ABV because I think it would have greatly benefitted the rum. The nose is very fruity with burnt sugar and some grass to it (lile in a Jamaican rum). The palate is wonderful and has a bite on top of the fruity/spicy note. A lot of nice oak but not too much. The finish is long and slightly bitter with oak and ginger."

Jamaica High Proof DOK

Compagnie des Indes • Hampden
RX974   2009   9yr   55%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica High Proof DOK
8.3/10 (33)

Top review from Insta: spiritofbernard 🇫🇷 :

"One of the best Hampden bottled by the India Company that I have tasted!"


Compagnie des Indes • Multi Distilleries
RX11070   48yr   46%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLeviathan
8.3/10 (28)

Top review from Oliver:

"Really great nose! The 46% is not noticeable in a negative way. However, a little more power would have made this rum something special. Slight deductions in the thin finish."


Compagnie des Indes • Savanna
RX12297   2004   18yr   54,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumReunion
8.1/10 (30)

Top review from Leo Tomczak:

"Trotz der vielversprechenden Statistiken nichts halbes und nichts Ganzes. Auch kein schlechter Rum, aber kaum Charaktermerkmale."

Trinidad (Bottled for Premium Spirits)

Compagnie des Indes • T.D.L
RX13752   2006   15yr   60,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad (Bottled for Premium Spirits)
8.0/10 (33)

Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:

"Blind Tasting. Smells not at all like T.D.L, more like Belize (coconut). On the palate bear strong, massive herbs, slightly chocolaty. The alcohol could definitely be better integrated. This is no ordinary rum, but one that demands everything from the connoisseur. That's why the rating is quite tricky. Because of this stunning taste, I still give it 88 points (which could change again quickly at another tasting, however, so difficult is the rum 🤷‍♂️)."

Venezuela (Bottled for Germany)

Compagnie des Indes • C.A.D.C
RX602   2005   13yr   60,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumVenezuela (Bottled for Germany)
8.0/10 (28)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"Wahnsinnig guter Venezuela. Zusammen mit dem RA mein absoluter Benchmark Venezuela cask strength Rum. Das cognac Fass Finish bringt nochmal extra Komplexität rein. Unfassbar lecker und harmonisch! Geheimtipp: Kennedy Manhattan damit!"

Trinidad (Bottled for Denmark)

Compagnie des Indes • Ten Cane
RX10414   2012   9yr   56,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad (Bottled for Denmark)
7.8/10 (37)

Top review from Thunderbird:

"RumX-Kalender Nr. 5 Ein sehr verhaltener Ten Cane! Nicht der Stärkste seiner Art…die klassischen Aromen kommen nicht so präsent daher, alles in allem aber okay 👍🏻 Heute das zweite mal im Glas: Er bekommt zwei Punkte dazu, da er mir heute insgesamt gefälliger und harmonischer erscheint"

West Indies - Old Blended Rum

Compagnie des Indes
RX1095   8yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumWest Indies - Old Blended Rum
7.7/10 (40)

Top review from Mirko Frosini 🇮🇪:

"Nothing memorable. However, good value for money. Alcohol is not well integrated. Medium finish."

Jamaica Navy Strength

Compagnie des Indes • Multi Distilleries
RX96   5yr   57%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica Navy Strength
7.6/10 (127)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"Beautiful navy strength Jamaican. Great value for money and surprisingly mild for the young age and the 57%. Very complex and a nice introduction to the overproof Jamaica world!"


Compagnie des Indes • Barbancourt
RX788   2004   11yr   43%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumHaiti
7.5/10 (28)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"kommt selten vor dass ich eine Trinkstärke einer Fassstärke gegenüber bevorzuge, aber hier ist es eindeutig der Fall. extrem rund und harmonisch einfach sehr angenehm zu trinken. schöne Mischung aus einem tropischen Fruchtsalat mit Honig & etwas Minze und Heu, sowie einer im Geschmack vor allem im Abgang anhaltenden kakao, Kräuter und Karamell Note! sehr schön."


Compagnie des Indes • Secrete
RX676   2007   11yr   43%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAustralia
7.4/10 (31)

Top review from Gregor :

"Im Geruch eher abschreckend. Jedoch dafür ein guter Geschmack. Wirkte anfangs leicht Jamaikanisch doch dafür dann doch zu wenig ester. Sollte man auf jeden Fall mal probieren. Stabil aber nicht zwingend notwendig getrunken zu haben"


Compagnie des Indes • Multi Distilleries
RX438   5yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLatino
7.2/10 (65)

Top review from cigares :

"A light nose with a Demerara base, a hint of lemon and a hint of pastry. A light, acqueous, pastry-like palate. Clean and flawless, but a little too sweet. A short finish with vanilla cream. In short, a rum without qualities but pleasant to drink, very conciliatory and good value for money."

Jamaica 5 years

Compagnie des Indes • Multi Distilleries
RX832   5yr   43%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica 5 years
7.0/10 (40)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"Really strange that the diluted and slightly sweetened variant here just significantly worse than the overproof variant performs."


Compagnie des Indes
RX257   5yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumCaraibes
6.9/10 (68)

Top review from Stefan Persson:

"Got a sample of this rum from RR Tasting Club some time ago. Compagnie des Indes Caraibes is a blend of rums from Guyana, Barbados and Trinidad. The color is quite pale and I haven’t found anything about aging, but I suppose it’s a quite young rum. I don’t recognize rum from Guyana or Barbados in the blend, so I suppose it’s mostly rum from Trinidad in the blend. Overall it’s too bland for my taste and nothing to write home about."


Compagnie des Indes • Multi Distilleries
RX419   Unaged   43%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTricorne
6.9/10 (40)

Top review from Insta: spiritofbernard 🇫🇷 :

"Excellent pur dans un verre frappé et également en T(r)i Punch 👍"

Boulet de Canon 9

Compagnie des Indes
RX8043   46%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBoulet de Canon 9
6.8/10 (42)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"liquid Black Forest ham to drink, extremely round and palatable and definitely a great thing for all meat lovers. makes a mega bacon old fashioned and is absolutely not suitable for vegans 🤣🤤🥓🐖🔥🍖🥩 definitely one of my favorite boulets so far! 😍 But you really have to be up for it🤣"

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