
There are 89 rums from Dugas in the RumX database.

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Top rated rums from Dugas

La Maison du Rhum #5

Dugas • T.D.L
RX15484   2009   13yr   53%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum #5
8.3/10 (42)

Community opinion:

"Robust, woody, tropical; slight mint; complex."

La Maison du Rhum #4

Dugas • T.D.L
RX11143   2009   12yr   55%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum #4
8.2/10 (56)

Community opinion:

"Rich, minty Trinidad spirit admired by our community."

La Maison du Rhum Trinidad & Tobago

Dugas • T.D.L
RX2745   10yr   43%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum Trinidad & Tobago
8.1/10 (10)

Top review from Beach-and-Rum 🏖️🌴:

"Schön öliger fast schon cremiger Rum. Würzig, nicht so süß trotzdem mild und angenehm. Für den Preis eine absolute Empfehlung."

La Maison du Rhum #4

Dugas • Rivière du Mât
RX10898   2011   10yr   49%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum #4
8.0/10 (19)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"This one was not up my alley, but none the less not a bad rum. The nose is fruity with spice and, licorice and wood notes followed by a light vegetal note. The palate is lightly sweet and spicy with fruits and sugarcane. There is some bitterness and tannins there as well and again a light vegetal note. The finish is medium long and lightly bitter with citrus and leather followed by a hint of wood."

La Maison du Rhum Île Maurice

Dugas • Chamarel
RX13741   2014   8yr   55%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum Île Maurice
7.9/10 (27)

Top review from Filip Šikula:

"Ve vůni připomínající don papu jsem složitě hledal chuť to ochutnat. Ve vůni kolový ořišek a takový ten filipínský chemický pomeranč. Nicméně chuť překvapila. Spousta čaje a travnatých chutí. Alkohol by mohl být lépe integrován."

La Maison du Rhum #3

Dugas • Rivière du Mât
RX5124   2010   10yr   45%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum #3
7.9/10 (13)

Top review from Christian Rudt:

"Schön und leicht zu trinken, die Einflüsse vom Cognac Fass gerade im Finish sind mehr als deutlich, wenn auch nicht lange anhaltend."

La Maison du Rhum #4

Dugas • Saint Lucia Distillers
RX10896   2013   8yr   45%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum #4
7.8/10 (28)

Community opinion:

"Herbal notes with a licorice finish."

La Maison du Rhum Trinidad & Tobago #2

Dugas • T.D.L
RX1851   2008   10yr   44%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum Trinidad & Tobago #2
7.7/10 (17)

Top review from Stefan Persson:

"Very much alike the Angostura 1787, but at 44% it has a better bite and are more balanced. The nose is fruity and woody with aromas of vanilla and citrus. At the palate it’s fruity and spicy with flavors of caramel, citrus and vanilla."

La Maison du Rhum #4

Dugas • Chamarel
RX10894   2012   9yr   53%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum #4
7.7/10 (12)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"At the price tag this is a very nice rum. The nose matches the palate pretty well in the fruit and spices. I love the fresh floral notes on the nose and palate as well and the balance is pretty good. Vanilla and Nutmed is also in there and I think there is a sherry note there as well but I'm not certain about it. The finish is long and warm with nuts, spice and wood. Would have loved a higher ABV, but still a good rum."

La Maison du Rhum #3

Dugas • Saint Lucia Distillers
RX5594   2012   8yr   45%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum #3
7.6/10 (28)

Community opinion:

"Delightful sipper with notes of caramel, roasted tones."

La Maison du Rhum #3

RX5859   2009   11yr   45%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum #3
7.5/10 (15)

Top review from Galli33:

"A good daily sipper. Very welcoming in the nose. Than in mouth it‘s an up and down, very soft, diluted… The finish is the worst part here. Short, sweet paired with some notes of the barrel"

La Maison du Rhum Botran Solera 12

Dugas • Industrias Licoreras de Guatemala
RX9472   2010   <12yr   55%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum Botran Solera 12
7.5/10 (11)

Top review from Martin Švojgr:

"Není to špatné, je to typický španělský zástupce ale s vyšším ABV, což mu výrazně prispěloprospělo. Bohužel chuť tropického ovoce na patře moc dlouho nevydrží a zůstává jen alkoholovost bez výrazné chuti (snad jen trošku bourbon)."

La Maison du Rhum #5

Dugas • Fortin
RX13750   2008   14yr   42%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum #5
7.3/10 (12)

Top review from Lada Hejda:

"Decently spicy, exotic fruits, pleasant vanilla"

La Maison du Rhum #4

RX10895   2010   11yr   48%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum #4
7.2/10 (19)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"This is a rum with a nice fruity note to it. The nose is fruity with toasted oak and vanilla. The palate is fruity more so than the nose. Toasted oak and vanilla followed by a hint of sherry notes. The finish is medium long with fruits, vanilla and a very nice oak note. Price to quality is good."

La Maison du Rhum Pérou Millonario #2

Dugas • Hacienda Agricola de Chiclayo
RX627   2008   45%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum Pérou Millonario #2
7.1/10 (19)

Top review from w00tAN:

"Brüssels Rhum Festival 2024 In der Nase dominiert Frucht mit feiner süße. Erinnert mich sehr an Sherry. Im Mund geht’s dann mit Vanillearomen und schöner Würze weiter. Abgang mittellang. Für absolut rund und ausgewogen."

La Maison du Rhum Discovery Rhum Vieux Barbade

Dugas • Mount Gay
RX7994   5yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum Discovery Rhum Vieux Barbade
7.0/10 (14)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"12.03.2021 Happy tasting at a bygone bar. Notes Light in colour. Nose Light wood, fruity, faint marzipan, pineapple, light earthy, faint caramel. Palate Light, fresh, light wood, faint smoke, fruits, banana, light citrus, vanilla, light chocolate, faint tobacco. Finish Medium long, light wood, pineapple, lige chocolate."

La Maison du Rhum Discovery Rhum Vieux

RX7993   42%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum Discovery Rhum Vieux
7.0/10 (13)

La Maison du Rhum #2

Dugas • Oliver & Oliver
RX6293   42%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum #2
7.0/10 (11)

Top review from cigares :

"Un rhum avec un nez classique caramel/vanille mais se développe un arôme de pomme frais et agréable. La bouche est très souple avec un côté épicé, bananes et poivre. La finale est assez longue sur la banane, un côté rôti et café. Un rhum sans prétention mais très bien fait."

La Maison du Rhum #2

Dugas • Hacienda Coloma
RX1411   2007   46%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Maison du Rhum #2
6.8/10 (14)

Top review from Johan R:

"Good but very short in the aftertaste. No complexity."

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