Rest & Be Thankful
There are 37 rums from Rest & Be Thankful in the RumX database.
Show all rums from Rest & Be ThankfulTop rated rums from Rest & Be Thankful
Top review from DomM:
"Tasted during the RumX masterclass. Huge thanks the guys from R&BT for presenting their range! Very nice exploration of some low(we) ester marks. While some of the noses were a little light, the long aged expressions are very interesting on the palate across the board. Very interesting! :) Round and pleasant low ester Clarendon."
Pure Single Jamaican Rum MMW
Top review from RumTaTa:
"Another very bright Clarendon from Test & Be Thankful. Very versatile on the nose but only medium intensity. I have a nice overall impression emphasized by spice. The palate is very similar to the other Clarendon bottlings from R&bT, but a little more intense. The rum somehow manages the feat of being dry and creamy-sweet at the same time. Towards the finish, a medicinal/salty note comes through again. The medium-long finish is a mix of impressions from the nose and palate. Very good rum but not my favorite Clarendon profile. I prefer the older 95 and 97 vintages."
Top review from RumTaTa:
"This is an idiosyncratic Long Pond ITP. It somehow looks younger to me than it is. Blindly, I would probably have classified it more with Clarendon. On the palate and in the aftertaste, I do notice the age and, unfortunately, mainly in an intense woody note with tannins and bitterness. In my opinion, there are better and cheaper representatives. Nevertheless, a good rum!"
Top review from Thunderbird:
"Master tasting from Rest & Be Thankful via RumX A wonderfully subtle nose full of sweet fruit. On the palate it is slightly soft and sweet with restrained fruit... nutty and light coffee flavors develop later. The finish is fresh (mint) paired with coffee. This LP is my favorite of today's tasting (very tasty)"
MICRO BATCH #1 Jamaican Rum Antipodes
Top review from Rodolphe:
"Very nice Jamaican blend that comes out of the profiles full of esters but that is really very pleasant. The nose is fresh and fruity, a nice mix of flowers and fruits on a wax/vanilla background. The mouth is more vegetal and peppery. The whole is well balanced, offers a nice meeting of Jamaica and I think it's very well done."
Pure Single Jamaican Rum MBK
Top review from Serge:
"Nachverkostumg der drei Clarendon Low Ester Abfüllungen aus dem Rest & Be Thankful Tasting. Dieser ist der mit dem geringsten Ester Anteil und bringt doch schöne Noten von Apfel, Birne, Bratapfel, Vanille und gelbe Früchte mit Holz und Backgewürz und Mandeln."
Kirsch Whisky Exclusive MMW
Top review from DomM:
"Very intense and distinct MM profile. Rather on the fruity side. Very powerful with plenty of flavors - no easy sipper. Like it!Edit: A few drops of water go a long way with this one.Edit2: A couple of weeks oxidation in the opened bottle also helped to smoothen out some of the harsher edges - really enjoyable after all"
Top review from RumTaTa:
"I first notice the fresh and floral nose. Would I have blind rather assigned Port Mourant. I like it already very well. The floral does not reappear on the palate. Nevertheless, the rum remains rather like a very expressive Port Mourant. The long finish continues homogeneously. Only at the very end a few fruit esters flash up. Very good rum, atypical of Long Pond. Perfect for confusion in a blind tasting."
Top review from RumTaTa:
"An der Nase leicht und fruchtig, überwiegend gelbe Früchte. Vanille, Röstnoten und Holz sind auch dabei. Am Gaumen geschmeidig, süß und wieder sehr fruchtig mit gut eingebundenem Alkohol. Der Nachklang hat eine leichte metallische Note. Sehr guter fruchtiger Clarendon, preislich leider nicht so attraktiv."
Assemblage #01
Top review from RumTaTa:
"Very good blend of Jamaican rums, very fruity and funky. At 46%, it is ideal for beginners who want to get to know Jamaican rum. At the same time, it is also interesting for connoisseurs who want to try their hand at tasting the different distilleries. If there were to be an unreduced bottling of this, I would be there in a heartbeat."
Top review from Serge:
"Nachverkostumg der drei Clarendon Low Ester Abfüllungen aus dem Rest & Be Thankful Tasting. Auch ein AHJ … wie schon beim anderen AHJ ist es eine schöne Nase, zwickt aber etwas am Gaumen. Mir persönlich gefällt der MBK von den dreien am besten, insgesamt aber die höheren Marks (MPG, MMW) viel besser."
Hampden for Wu Dram Clan & Kirsch Whisky LROK
Top review from zabo:
"Ehrlich gesagt haut mich dieser Rum nicht wirklich um. An der Nase nehm ich eine gewisse modrigkeit war, die ich störend finde. Vom Geschmack finde ich diesen relativ scharf, da der Alkohol nicht wirklich gut eingebunden ist. Wie WDC und Kirsch das aussuchen konnten bleibt mir ein Rätsel."
Pure Single Jamaican Rum
Top review from Boletus:
"A pleasant Worthy Park that seems a little green behind the ears due to a latent, youthful bitterness, but also has a nice, lively fruitiness in the form of unripe banana. If it retained the developing creaminess of the mouthfeel in the finish, I would have liked it even more."
Community reviews of Rest & Be Thankful
Most bottled by Rest & Be Thankful
- Clarendon 24 rums
- Long Pond 9 rums
- Hampden 2 rums
- Multi Distilleries 1 rum
- Worthy Park 1 rum
All rums bottled by Rest & Be Thankful
- Rest & Be Thankful Clarendon MDR 2012 9yr 46% RX12347
- Rest & Be Thankful Clarendon Assemblage #01 13yr - 17yr 46% RX15178
- Rest & Be Thankful Clarendon MPG 2000 21yr 60,1% RX12418
- Rest & Be Thankful Long Pond ITP 1998 25yr 54,7% RX16269
- Rest & Be Thankful MICRO BATCH #1 Jamaican Rum Antipodes 2009 13yr 58,7% RX13415
- Rest & Be Thankful Long Pond LSO 1998 25yr 58,6% RX16270
- Rest & Be Thankful Clarendon AHJ 1998 25yr 56% RX16272
- Rest & Be Thankful Clarendon AHJ 1998 25yr 59,4% RX16268