Rum Exchange
There are 14 rums from Rum Exchange in the RumX database.
Show all rums from Rum ExchangeTop rated rums from Rum Exchange
Rum Exchange • Port Mourant
RX1770 2008 11yr 58,3%

Top review from Stefan Persson:
"This is a Pure Single Rum and I once again found out that unblended rum from PM isn’t my bag, but I always like it as a part of a blend. For those of you that like PM as a Pure Single Rum is this one a really good buy and good value for money."
Ron Cristóbal Oro
Rum Exchange
RX2739 3yr 38%

Top review from rum_sk:
"I can recommend this one for the mixers only. Very alcoholic 👃 although the taste is not that bad it is still very soft on the flavor and light. Alcohol is present here too. For the drinks it is perfect though, that is how I used it, mojito, dark n' stormy."
Community reviews of Rum Exchange
336 reviews
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All rums bottled by Rum Exchange
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- Rum Exchange Hampden #001 2013 5yr 61,5% RX654
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- Rum Exchange Ron Cristóbal Santa Maria Moscatel Finish 2007 14yr 46% RX11645
- Rum Exchange Port Mourant #004 2008 11yr 58,3% RX1770
- Rum Exchange Travellers #003 2009 10yr 60,8% RX2198
- Rum Exchange Worthy Park #002 2013 5yr 59% RX370