Home ›Independent bottlers ›VidyaVidyaThere are 1 rums from Vidya in the RumX database.Show all rums from VidyaTop rated rums from Vidya Only available rumsThe River MummaVidya • New YarmouthRX8199 2005 61,5%8.9/10 (26) Sold outCommunity opinion:"Intense ester-rich rum with tropical highlights."Want to discover more rums?Download the free RumX app:iOS AppAndroid AppCommunity reviews of Vidya8.9/1026 reviews Most bottled by VidyaNew Yarmouth 1 rumShow allWhat people are sayingView all topicsAll rums bottled by VidyaVidya New Yarmouth The River Mumma 2005 61,5% RX8199Find out more about VidyaAre you a Vidya enthusiast? Experience Vidya rums like never before, with a wealth of detailed information, community reviews, and personalized recommendations — only on the RumX app.