There are 591 rums from USA in the RumX database.

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Top rated USA rums

Single Estate Old South Georgia Rum (Romhatten Cask #2)

Richland Rum
RX10246   2011   9yr   62,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSingle Estate Old South Georgia Rum (Romhatten Cask #2)
8.2/10 (18)

Top review from Frank:

"Da hat mir der Eugen dieses Sample geschickt, um etwas olfaktorisch klugschnacken zu können. Ich fühle mich geehrt😇 nun, dann wollen wir mal … ein 9 Jahre alter aus Übersee, aus einem Virgin Oak, Pot Still, Melasse, ohne alles mit 62%. Klingt schon mal sehr gut… Nase: wow, sehr dichtes und volles Aroma. Würzig-holzig mit dunklen, süß-sauren Früchten. Das New Make Eichenfass bringt gleich zu Beginn ordentlich Vanille und süßes Holzaroma. Die Süße erinnert mich an kräftigen Waldhonig. Zugleich sind da aber auch fruchtig-frische Noten von saftiger Zitrone, Orange und süß-sauer schwarzer Johannisbeere, Stachelbeere und Sauerkirsche. Ja, könnten auch Cranberry’s sein. Dahinter kommen auch nussig Aromen von fetter Pekannuss und Kakaopulver. Die %% passen super. Gefällt mir richtig gut. 8,9 Gaumen: auch hier kräftig und würzig-holzig. Das Virgin Oak kommt wieder mit Vanille und süßen Holzaromen, dazu hat man aber auch einen salzig-bitteren Antritt der mit leichten Tanninen daher kommt. Dominant finde ich erneut die süß-sauren Früchte - Sauerkirsche und Stachelbeere - die allerdings von Muskat, Pfeffer und etwas süßer Lakritze begleitet werden. Wirkt insgesamt etwas jung und wild, röstig und nussig-speckig, macht aber wirklich Spaß. 8,7 Gerne mehr davon 🤤"

Texas Rum

RX13393   57,9%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTexas Rum
8.1/10 (34)

Top review from mto75:

"Nice profile, dried fruit, toasty, caramel, vanilla, baking spice, bourbon, slight menthol freshness. Somewhat reminiscent of Ten Cane or TDL. Toasty on the palate, dark chocolate, barrel, and bourbon again! Class rum from the Lone Star State!"

Rumclub Private Selection Ed. 30 (Hawaiian Rum)

Spirit of Rum • Koloa Rum Company
RX14061   2017   5yr   60,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRumclub Private Selection Ed. 30 (Hawaiian Rum)
8.0/10 (50)

Top review from Zucker und Zeste:

"In der Nase wirkt das Ganze äußerst entspannt: Es entfaltet sich ein Mix aus Frucht, viel Vanille, etwas Muskatnuss, Holz, Blüten und gebranntem Zucker. Was für eine Einladung, den Rum direkt zu probieren. Im Mund setzt sich dieser Eindruck fort. Angenehm würzig, dezente Kokosnuss-Noten, viiiieel Vanille, ein wenig Salz, junges Holz (damit nicht sehr bitter) und Milchschokolade, Lakritz und Bitterorange. Schmeckt wie ein Mix aus intensivem Spanier und Foursquare mit Salz. Der Koloa Single Cask hat etwas Nussig-Cremiges, die Textur erinnert uns ein wenig an Erdnussbutter."

Letter of Marque 'Yankee' (Kirsch Whisky)

Privateer Rum Distillery
RX12165   4yr   55,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLetter of Marque 'Yankee' (Kirsch Whisky)
8.0/10 (29)

Top review from Rowald Sweet Empire:

"Very American Oak driven rum. Not unlike a good bourbon. Nose: lots of American Oak driven flavours. Bit of banana. Lots of vanilla. Malt. Will compare this to a bourbon some day soon. Taste: again all the pleasant American oakiness. Baked banana. Nicely sweet. Pancakes. Cinnamon. Peppery finish. Maple syrop. All in all straightforward in a way but very very tasty. Definitely a U.S. worthy profile."

Letter of Marque (Kirsch Whisky)

Privateer Rum Distillery
RX15834   4yr   57%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLetter of Marque (Kirsch Whisky)
8.0/10 (10)

Top review from Johannes:

"Gefällt mir gut! Blind hätte ich auf Foursquare getippt, aber das Virgin Oak mit den typischen Vanille-Noten sticht deutlich hervor."

Warren Khong Villa Paradisetto 1988/2020

Velier • Privateer Rum Distillery
RX5538   2017   3yr   54,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumWarren Khong Villa Paradisetto 1988/2020
8.0/10 (47)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"A very nice release and they did really well when it comes to integration of the ABV. I'd say it comes of as a mild rum with nice fruity flavours complemented by spice, wood and lovely toffee."

New England Single Rum

Habitation Velier • Privateer Rum Distillery
RX5636   2017   3yr   55,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumNew England Single Rum
7.9/10 (74)

Top review from Clément Boetto🤤🇫🇷:

"The nose is fairly light and the palate is 80% bourbon."

Texas Rum

RX12074   58,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTexas Rum
7.8/10 (22)

Top review from Zucker und Zeste:

"Despite just 24 months in the barrel, the barrel has worked extremely due to the extreme tenperature differences in Texas. Exciting rum."

Letter of Marque #1 Cask Strength / The Golden Hinde

Privateer Rum Distillery
RX10715   3yr   57,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLetter of Marque #1 Cask Strength / The Golden Hinde
7.8/10 (24)

Top review from Galli33:

"#4 RumXCalendar Blind tasting: Nose: Vanilla, sweet, trop. fruits, a lot of cocconut. M: spicy, caramel, roasted F: oak, vanilla, caramel Prediction: sound like a rum from barbados maybe FS, approx. 60%…. totally wrong 🙈 Alcohol could be integrated better. Nose: trop. fruity, a lot of cocconut, pineapple, caramel, honey, vanilla and spicy Mouth: Dry, strong, bitter and thin; notes of caramel, vanilla, roasted, cocconut, milk chocolate and a lot of spice Finish: dry, astringend, oak, caramel, vanilla"

Koloa Kaua’i Coffee

Koloa Rum Company
RX3421   34%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumKoloa Kaua’i Coffee
7.7/10 (20)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"solid strong coffee rum liqueur! Really good and not too sweet."

XO Mardi Gras

RX2341   <6yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumXO Mardi Gras
7.6/10 (29)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"A very nice and fruity rum. A nice everyday and easy to drink rum."

Black Magic Spiced

RX2005   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBlack Magic Spiced
7.6/10 (28)

Top review from Timo Groeger:

"Oha, gar nicht mal so schlecht dieser Rum, vielleicht ein wenig zu süss, aber dennoch echt ok. Man hat hier schöne Noten aus Vanille, Karamell und Schokolade (dunkle Schokolade) in Nase und Gaumen. Echt ok."


Compagnie des Indes • Secret
RX11530   2004   17yr   44%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumFlorida
7.6/10 (13)

Top review from BjörnNi 🥃:

"Starker Cdi. Ausgezeichnete Nase und im Anfang noch besser."

Navy Style

Lost Spirits Distillery
RX2063   61%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumNavy Style
7.6/10 (16)

Top review from mto75:

"Very pleasing on the nose with allspice, sherry, toffee, barrel and baking spices. Roasted aromas, dark chocolate and tobacco on the palate. A few drops of water take away the alcoholic sharpness."

Distiller's Drawer #97 Pot Stilled New England Rum 'Spirito di Contemplazione'

Privateer Rum Distillery
RX10403   55,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDistiller's Drawer #97 Pot Stilled New England Rum 'Spirito di Contemplazione'
7.6/10 (33)

Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:

"Nachgeholte Verkostung des Rums vom 04.12. des RumX-Adventskalenders 2023: Wow, der schmeckt mir, ein potenter Rum! Was, das ist ein Rum aus den USA, ein Privateer? Hatte ich, glaube ich, noch nie im Glas, hätte aber auf einen mittelalten und mittelguten Clarendon getippt."

Single Estate Old South Georgia Rum

Richland Rum
RX13187   6yr   58,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSingle Estate Old South Georgia Rum
7.6/10 (10)

Top review from Frank:

"Ein Exot für mich, ein USA-Rum. Die Balkones waren für mich schon eine positive Überraschung, mal sehen was der hier kann… Nase: voll und kräftig im Antritt. Hat einen ordentlichen Bourbon-Fass Anteil. Am Anfang auch deutlich vinegar. Wirkt fruchtig und zugleich holzig-würzig. Bei der Frucht bin ich bei grüner Kochbanane mit getrockneter Aprikose. Er hat recht volle, würzige Aromen von altem Maggi mit etwas Vanille und Karamell-Süße. Dazu Leder und Eiche. Gefällt mir echt gut und hat tatsächlich Ähnlichkeiten zum Balkones. 8,2 Gaumen: auch hier ist ein deutlicher Einschlag Bourbon zu vernehmen. Er hat eine schwere, leicht ölige Textur, deutlich Holz, aber begleitet von speckigem Unami und Leder. Nussig-süß, vielleicht Tonkabohne. Insgesamt gar nicht mal schlecht, wenn auch etwas zu grob in allem. Den in länger gereift wäre echt interessant zu probieren… 7,8"

Collectors Series No. 4 The Oddmar Edition

Romdeluxe • Richland Rum
RX10562   3yr   43,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumCollectors Series No. 4 The Oddmar Edition
7.6/10 (26)

Top review from Stefan Persson:

"The rum is bottled by the Danish independent bottler RomDeLuxe. The rum is 3yo and aged in american oak barrels, comes from the Richland Distillery Georgia, USA. It’s distilled in a Copper Pot Still from Cane Syrup. There are some similarities with Agricole, which I like. Overall a very good rum to be so young that tastes a little in between Agricole and more traditional rum."

Texas Rum

RX15618   59,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTexas Rum
7.5/10 (17)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"#4255 16.09.2023 Whisky N Rum Show 2023. A rather whisky like rum. Not bad and the price tag is pretty OK. Fruity with a smoky note and light mint. ABV could have been better integrated. There was a light coffee note in the empty glass."

Papa‘s Pilar Sherry Finish

Hemingway Rum
RX1278   <24yr   43%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa‘s Pilar Sherry Finish
7.5/10 (32)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"I use this rum for mixers and it is also great for rum punch :-)"

Navy Yard

Privateer Rum Distillery
RX6624   53,9%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumNavy Yard
7.5/10 (16)

Top review from Lukas Jäger:

"Tasted at the 11th GRF: Good drinkable and something different again, but not a highlight"

Select Rum

RX411   <3yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSelect Rum
7.4/10 (25)

Top review from TheJackDrop:

"A fine discovery A light, easy-drinking rum, but not without interest, In addition to caramel and vanilla, there's some dried fruit, fig and redcurrant... pretty cool. Too bad the finish is short!"

Papa‘s Pilar Dark Rum

Hemingway Rum
RX1923   <24yr   43%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa‘s Pilar Dark Rum
7.4/10 (53)

Top review from BTHHo 🥃:

"The taste burns a little on the tongue at first. It's sweet, but not as sweet as the scent. You can taste caramel, cinnamon, dark sugar, vanilla, licorice and a little oak. Medium aftertaste. A good relaxed rum, especially for lovers of sweeter rums. It’s quite smooth and good for casual sipping."

Ron Izalco 10 Años

Phenomenal Spirits
RX934   10yr   43%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRon Izalco 10 Años
7.4/10 (20)

Top review from BTHHo 🥃:

"The taste starts soft and sweet, and slowly challenges with a complex fullness with undertones of American oak and sweet pipe tobacco. The aftertaste is long and perfectly combines the rich flavor of the rum with the direct sweetness"


Compagnie des Indes • Secret
RX11509   2004   17yr   44%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumFlorida
7.3/10 (14)

Top review from Gregor :

"Schöne Aromen. Viele verschiedene Früchte von. Aprikose bis hin zur Kokosnuss. Sehr komplex. Leider ein klein wenig dünn. Gerade dieses destillat hätte von einem höherem Alkoholgehalt profitiert. Slte Man mal probiert haben"


Habitation Velier • Privateer Rum Distillery
RX9902   2020   62%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumWhite
7.2/10 (25)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"I'm being nice giving this one 70, because I have an unopened bottle at home. I now know this is one I gave to experiment with in mixers. The nose is light and fruity with cane and cinnamon. The palate is sweet and fruity with spices and a light vegetal note. The finish is medium to long and fruity with spices and vegetal notes."

Single Barrel Limited Edition 001

RX1852   3yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSingle Barrel Limited Edition 001
7.1/10 (15)

Top review from Gregor :

"Exciting, fruity rum with lots of wood. The red wine barrel comes through very well. As well as tannins and vanilla. I assume that the red wine barrel is American white oak. A little sweet"


Compagnie des Indes • Secret
RX950   2005   14yr   44%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumFlorida
7.1/10 (13)

Top review from Righrum:

"I was curious, but it is not worth anything more than a dram just to say i tried a florida rum"

Ron Izalco 15 Años Cask Strength

Phenomenal Spirits
RX13061   15yr   55,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRon Izalco 15 Años Cask Strength
7.1/10 (12)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"#4638 08.03.2024 Tasting with Romhatten. Nose Light, light wood, fruity, glue, floral, wood, light caramel, earthy. Palate Wood, light roasted, faint smoke, medium dry, perfume, floral, Finish Medium to long, perfume, wood, tannins, warm, bourbon, tobacco. There is a strong perfume note on the palate and finish and I really didn't like that."

Réserve Select Barrel

RX8063   2012   <4yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRéserve Select Barrel
7.0/10 (16)

Top review from Stefan Persson:

"Overall a quite bland rum that’s nothing to write home about with lots of bourbon taste. I tasted it at the Stockholm Beer & Spirits Fair 2023. This Louisiana rum from Bayou is a molasses rum. The sugarcane has grown in the soils around the Mississippi River Delta. After fermentation it’s distilled in a copper pot still whereafter it’s aged in ex-bourbon barrels for up to 4 years using the Solera method."

Papa‘s Pilar Blonde Rum

Hemingway Rum
RX5797   <3yr   42%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa‘s Pilar Blonde Rum
7.0/10 (21)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"Liquid toffee/caramel candy. Relatively alcoholic and simply very artificial and sweet. Rather disappointing. Too bad!"

Koloa Kaua‘i Coconut

Koloa Rum Company
RX2459   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumKoloa Kaua‘i Coconut
7.0/10 (11)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"joa... me too sweet but kept natural! Since I prefer aluna also from the mixabity her... And too expensive I find him for that too."

Koloa Kaua‘i Dark

Koloa Rum Company
RX4374   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumKoloa Kaua‘i Dark
7.0/10 (15)

Top review from Jakob:

"Very sweet, respectively, too sweet for a distillate, which was created only by storage in the (dry) barrel. Taste okay, although of course very sugary and therefore rather to be considered as a "bottled cocktail"."

Koloa Kaua'i Reserve

Koloa Rum Company
RX10133   4yr   46%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumKoloa Kaua'i Reserve
6.5/10 (21)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"#4271 28.09.2023 One of the samples from the Whisky N Rum Show in Copenhagen. Well, this is a relatively cheap rum and you get what you pay for. A light and medium sweet rum with some fruity and floral notes. A bit out of balance between the elements. The empty glass has light chocolate notes."

Spiced Rum

RX1651   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSpiced Rum
6.4/10 (19)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"I use this rum for baking. I put raisins into a cup and drow. Them in this rum. Then I add the raisins and leftover rum when preparing the dough. Just tried to add the rum to my run for chicken wings, that works as a charm as well 😋"

Single Estate Old South Georgia

Richland Rum
RX8225   43%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSingle Estate Old South Georgia
6.0/10 (23)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"Another wonderful rum from Richland. A smooth well balanced rum once rested for at least 15 minutes. The nose is intense and balanced. Fruity from berries and dried fruits. There is also a spicy part and some wine. The palate is rounded and smooth and compared to the classic the oak and spice boosted quite a bit. Spice with vanilla, brow sugar and berries. The finish is long, has a slight bitterness to the oaky/vanilla lead out. "

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Vanilla Caramel Woody Fruity


Vanilla Caramel Woody Sweet


Woody Vanilla Oak Spicy

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