There are 18 rums from the Cartavio distillery in the RumX database.
Show all Cartavio rumsPopular rums from Cartavio
Selecto 5 Years
RX1231 5yr 40%

Top review from Timo Groeger:
"Also ich finde diesen Rum auch ganz okay. In der Nase Schokolade und Kaffe im Mund dann ebenfalls Schokolade und Kaffe, sowie zusätzlich dann Nuss. Ich finde dies ist ein solider Rum. Kommt meiner Meinung nach zu schlecht weg hier :)"
Top rated rums from Cartavio
349 reviews
Flavour profile of Cartavio
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- Maison Ferrand 2 rums
About the Cartavio distillery
The Cartavio distillery is located in Peru. Rums from Cartavio have been reviewed 349 times with an average of 7.5/10.
To CartavioAll rums from Cartavio
- Cartavio XO <18yr 40% RX83
- Cartavio Ron Antiguo de Solera 12 Años <12yr 40% RX288
- Cartavio Plantation Peru 2006 (One-Time Limited Edition 2006 14yr 47,9% RX8925
- Cartavio Ron Gran Reserva 7 Años <7yr 38% RX4492
- Cartavio Selecto 5 Years 5yr 40% RX1231
- Cartavio 1929 12 Años <12yr 40% RX6286
- Cartavio Reserva 8 8yr 40% RX8518
- Cartavio Plantation Peru 2006 51,03% RX7839