There are 344 rums from the Diamond distillery in the RumX database.
Show all Diamond rumsTop rated rums from Diamond
Top review from Jakob:
"An intoxicating nose full of vanilla from the oak, caramel, interwoven spices - the depth of the individual aromas is breathtaking. The palate also offers a fascinating profile - again heavy sweetness full of expression away from any stickiness, dark spices, hints of tobacco and herbs, coffee, pleasant grip of the alcohol...deep, heavy, crisp, herbal, woody with a tart sweetness. Great."
Top review from Jakob:
"The flavorful outlier among the Velier diamonds - but by no means in a negative sense. Those who like licorice and leather notes in Demerara will find what they are looking for here. I personally like the profile very much and catapults the bottling consequently also in the top range. No classic Diamond essence, rather 70s Demerara notes with tart, heavy sweetness. An absolutely outstanding release."
Top review from Jakob:
"Top rum, but it does not come close to the level of Velier's 1996 SVW. The aroma profile is almost identical, but is somewhat stronger in the spicy notes and at the same time has less expression in the vanilla notes that were so famous in the 1996 SVW. For me, therefore, just below the magic 9.0-point mark, but of course still an exquisite release."
Gran Torino Demerara Rum
Top review from cigares :
"A rum discovered thanks to RumX and brought back from Italy by a friend at a low price. A dark color and a very expressive nose where I was expecting Caroni and where it was instead fruit that presented itself, raisins and figs but also tropical fruit. The discreet notes of a mechanic's workshop on the nose are revealed in full on the palate, Caroni in flagrante delicto. A motorcycle repair shop in full sunshine amid trees bearing all kinds of fruit, tropical and otherwise. The music is tropical and the sun is beating down. The finish is long, never-ending, with fruit or typical Caroni notes, depending on how you look at it. With a hint of smoke and a little acidity that gives it liveliness. A very clean Demeroni, with obvious Caroni notes, but little or none of the dirt. Like a 1995, for example the "Ancient Mariner", or even a 1996 with a little less exuberance all the same. In direct comparison with another Demeroni, I prefer it to Le Gus't 65.7%. I really like it! And the value for money here is absolutely exceptional!"
No. 39 SWR
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"10.02.2024 tasting event at the Nobilis Warehouse, Haderslev. Retasting and I really love the overall profile. ----------------------- #4232 03.09.2023 this was a nice blind tasting where I saw the black Glencairn tasting glasses for the first time. This is a great release. Intense yet extremely well balanced once rested. ABV and wood are amazingly well integrated. Medium fruity with nice spices and a warm oily palate. Draws really nice and slow moving curtains in the glass. The empty glass has light mint and caramel."
No. 26 Selected by Salon du Rhum SWR
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"A very nice release with nice wood power without it being too dominant. Very good ABV integration and I like the fruityness in the overall profile. The finish is extremely long and the empty glass has wonderful flavours after a while."
S.B.S Guyana REV
Top review from DomM:
"On their first encounter, SBS and Nobilis are very much toe to toe. Nose goes to Nobilis for a little more openness and complexity. SBS takes the palate with (comparably) less wood/bitterness which leaves more room for some dried red fruits, which I don’t really find in the Nobilis very much - on my first try at least 🤔 Both very nice REVs, if you do enjoy this kind of dark and bitter profile."
Rum Artesanal Guyana Rum VSG
Top review from Oliver:
"Still quite young and wild. However, with some time in the glass, an exciting VSG emerges. Plummy, dark, licorice and some citrus. On the palate, however, it is still a touch too wild for a top rating."
Rumclub Private Selection Ed. 46 MDS
Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:
"The Ed. 39 from the Rumclub, a 2006 REV (RX16863), is already a very successful bottling, but RX16863 is no match for the Rumclub's new stroke of genius, especially on the palate. It is rounder, more complex, deeper, fuller-bodied, stronger, more palatable, sweeter, oilier. And I'm not saying that because I live in Berlin and am therefore close to the source. See for yourself. This is supposed to be a 2008 Diamond? It really seems to me that the barrel was mixed up and a REV was sent to Spirit of Rum instead of the Diamond. And not a 2006 REV, but actually a 1994. Can that really be the case? I hope there will soon be a comment function here, then I could read your direct reactions. For me, this is a hot contender for rum of the year without hesitation. Drink it and you'll agree with me. If it is a Diamond after all, which I hope will be verified by tasting experts, it seems to me to be most similar to the MDXC profile from 2004 (RX7442). Or perhaps the 96 (RX10043, RX10046)? 🤔 I'll stick with REV 1994 for now. 😉 Exciting!"
Wild Series Rum No. 50 Anniversary Edition MDK
Top review from BTHHo 🥃:
"The anniversary edition in the Wild Series just tastes good - first a little round and soft in taste and rounds off with a contrast of a little bit of sharpness, which fits well."
Collectors Series No.12 Guyana 16 REV
Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:
"Tasted against the RC REV 2006 (RX16863). And hard to detect any difference at all. Perhaps the RdL is a bit smoother and a bit shorter and somehow slightly musty in the finish, where the RC struts away there full of power broad-legged. But this is only a nuance and possibly due to the form of the day. Both rums are extraordinarily successful representatives of their kind. 😍 😍"
Rumclub Private Selection Ed. 36 MDS
Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:
"Blindly I would have guessed REV (malt, licorice, molasses, gentle) in the smell, KFM (earth, wood, leather, black tea, strong) in the taste. Definitely 100% Guyana and quite to my taste. A very fine droplet at a comparatively affordable price. I'm afraid I'll have to stock up on this rum. 😋 Update 2023-07-29: Slight downgrade from 89 to 87 points: The rum lacks a bit of fruitiness to play at the top."
Versailles Still MDXC
Top review from Vincent D:
"A very woody nose. A hint of sweetness and caramel. A hint of strange soap. Same sensation on the palate. Very warm and woody. A double sensation, heavy and greedy at the same time. Caramel, licorice. Almost like a bourbon (very woody). A bitter finish. Finishes with a hint of spice and light pepper. Leather and earthiness. And good length. This rum could have been crushed by the wood. It's very woody, but greedy and pleasant. Very cool."
Guyana Ed. 5
Top review from Jakob:
"Successful selection - typical profile for continental aged rums from the Single Wooden Pot Still of Port Mourant. At the beginning peanut, toast, plus fresh with citrus notes and yellow fruits. The palate adds an elegant sweetness that aromatically reminds me of dried fruit, syrup and a hint of marzipan. In addition, the PM-typical wood influences with anise - all in all, a coherent bottling, which nicely shows the potential of long aging time for the continental aged PMs."
No. 42 DHE / PM
Top review from Thunderbird:
"Das ist ein überraschender Diamond, der einen fordert, aber im positiven Sinn. Ist die Nase noch relaativ zurückhaltend mit leichtem Ester und erwas Frucht, entwickelt er am Gaumen eine recht breite Aromenpalette. Angefangen von einer schönen Süße, wechselnd zu etwas Frucht, viel pflanzlichem Geschmack (Kastanien-/Paprikagemisch), rauchigem, würzigem Aromen und wieder etwas Ester mit Metall… cremig und intensiv verteilt er sich. Lediglich der Abgang ist etwas unspektakulär… Mir gefällt er sehr gut"
Wild Series Rum Diamond (Unicorn Tasting Kit Vol. 2) EU Version SVL
Top review from DomM:
"On the nose more towards the dark, burnt sugar and caramel notes. Some herbs and with some time also Druid fruits. Still dark chocolate and (burnt) espresso are dominating here. Very nice in the palate. Again leaning towards darker notes. Molasses, dark chocolate and caramel. Yet more fruits versus the nose and a nice sweetness rounding the profile out.."
Guyana Black MDXC
Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:
"The 88 points I awarded it years ago are now impressively confirmed when I taste it again. A true explosion of flavor! Liquid licorice. It's amazing that this rum only cost around EUR 60 when it was released. For me, this rum from my early days is and remains an icon."
El Dorado The Last Casks
Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:
"Lovechild from 2010 Moneymusk MBS & 2006 Foursquare! Super mild & relaxed. Lots of honey, light fresh herbs like lemon verbena and some milk chocolate, as well as kumquat jam and toasted coconut chips. Could be a little more powerful but on the whole it is very tasty and elegant!"
El Dorado The Last Casks (Gold)
Top review from Joachim Guger:
"Beautiful varnish and polish notes, balanced demerara profile. Plenty of caramel. Warm and powerful as only tropical maturation can produce. Very spicy, lots of caramel in the mouth. Furry finish. Very good Demerara sipper, simply too simple to be awarded higher honors. This is how one imagines ED 12 at cask strength. And therefore far too expensive."
Skeldon (Bourbon Cask) SWR
Top review from lukasdrinkinghabits:
"Again in the glass. Along with the SVL. it is a SWR, but a weirdo.Tasted along with the two SBS SWRs. Would never have mistaken this blind for an SWR. The signature nose with cappuccino and caramel is hard to find, above that is an artificial fruity ester layer reminiscent of the SBS SVL 2003 or maybe a low ester Jamaican with a cognac finish. This fat layer covers up a lot and leaves little air for other nuances. In the mouth, the sour esters continue. The alcohol integration is also quite different, probably because of the acidity. I'm really not sure this is an SWR and not more of an SV(L). Will have to taste this again against SVL. I'm confused. The rating is with a strong caveat. Need to taste this one a few more times."
S.B.S Guyana SVL
Top review from SaibotZtar :
"Very spicy nose ... Wood, sherry, candied fruit... Leather , quite sweetish minimal floral hints. On the palate again sweetish bitter ... Wood, roasted nuts ... Nougat. Dried fruits and again slightly floral. No surprise but quite ok."
Bellamy‘s Reserve MDR
Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:
"Endlich Mal ein vernünftiger & bezahlbarer Diamond Guyana Rum um den man sich nicht schlagen muss! Hier wird genau das Diamond Profil getroffen was ich so gerne mag und die 50% sind nicht zu dünn und nicht zu kräftig sondern sehr lecker und süffig! :) Geruchlich wie geschmacklich eine schöne Harmonie aus Zartbitter-Schokolade, Meersalz, kräftiger Melasse, Bananenbrot, Kaffee, Brombeeren und Trockenobst sowie ordentlich Gewürzen wie kandiertem Ingwer, Kardamom, Piment, Vanille und Muskat und dann etwas Tabak, Leder und Bitterorange im Abgang. 5% mehr Alkohol hätte er zwar noch vertragen können aber dann wäre er auch nochmal ein gutes Stück teurer geworden!😉 Es handelt sich hierbei übrigens um einen "small batch" aus 5 nahezu identischen Single cask diamonds die alle zwischen 64-67% hatten. PS: Macht sich hervorragend in diversen Tiki Cocktails wie dem Queens Park Swizzle!"
Guyana MDX
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"This is a wonderful rum in my mind. The pricing puts this one in a good spot. The ABV has been very well integrated and there is a good balance with the dryness. Lightly fruity with vanilla and smoky wood. What I noticed while it rested was that the nose came at me though sitting on my couch while the tumbler was on the table. Very fresh rum."
Rum Artesanal Guyana Rum
Top review from Gregor :
"Dunkle Töne mit Kräutern und grünem Apfel. Sowohl im Geruch als auch im Geschmack. Der Alkoholstärke ist ideal gewählt. Der Geschmack ist komplex und langatmig. Damals für unter 100€ gekauft und für gut befunden. Für den jetzigen Preis würde ich ihn wahrscheinlich nicht nochmal kaufen"
Wood‘s Old Navy Rum
Top review from Galli33:
"Very cool dark color😎 It‘s a nice daily driver with some lovely notes of the barrel, dried fruits and dark chocolate, some hidden notes of licorice, prunes and cinnamon. In addition i found a bitter note, which I couldn‘t assign. The alcohol is integrated very well. Allez les bleus🤪"
Plantation Guyana (Big Peat Islay Malt Scotch Whisky Cask)
Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:
"Nose: Peat, burnt sugar. Palate: I can't drink it after the first sip because it doesn't taste like rum at all, just Islay whisky. Goes down the drain. Still 40 points because of the reasonably interesting nose. Addendum: A fitting example of how coarse-dominant whisky from Islay is and how you can ruin any rum with it. Conclusion: Hands off such experiments! (I've tried it myself: Islay whisky is like a constrictor and in the end even gets Hampden-DOK under it aromatically if you mix the two)."
Flavour profile of Diamond
Most frequently mentioned flavors
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About the Diamond distillery
The Diamond distillery is located in Guyana. Rums from Diamond have been reviewed 3,603 times with an average of 8.3/10.
To DiamondAll rums from Diamond
- Diamond El Dorado Rare Collection <SVW>DLR 1998 20yr 55,1% RX5934
- Perola Diamond Bellamy‘s Reserve MDR 2012 9yr 50% RX12164
- Diamond Rumclub Private Selection Ed. 36 MDS 2008 15yr 65% RX16020
- Diamond Rum Artesanal Guyana Rum VSG 2004 16yr 58,2% RX7780
- Velier Diamond SVW 1996 15yr 64,6% RX223
- Diamond S.B.S Guyana SVL 2003 17yr 53,7% RX9406
- Diamond S.B.S Guyana REV 2006 15yr 56,4% RX11234
- Diamond Plantation Guyana (Big Peat Islay Malt Scotch Whisky Cask) 2011 12yr 49,2% RX17849