Licorera Cihuatán
There are 44 rums from the Licorera Cihuatán distillery in the RumX database.
Show all Licorera Cihuatán rumsPopular rums from Licorera Cihuatán
Cihuatán Nantli

Top review from Tim :
"Very nice nose, soft and smooth, plus points for that. This is by far the best thing about this rum, which has been aged for a long time. However, the 40% suggests that the mouthfeel is too thin, and so it is. The finish is also too short."
Top rated rums from Licorera Cihuatán
Folklore (Perola)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:
"Beautiful single cask from cihuatan from El Salvador. Personally, a little too cognac-like, a little too woody and "vinous" and the alcohol could be better integrated. Overall, however, solid sfoff and probably the oldest single barrel from El Salvador to date! And in direct comparison to the predecessor definitely much better!"
Folklore (RumRock)

Top review from Enriko Špinler:
"I took a sample and gave it to my friends who drink less ABV. I was surprised because it got good reviews. I especially liked the smell of this rum, where plums and orange dominate, then there is wood and caramel. Taste - spicy, alcoholic, oak, cherry Finish - warm, tropical fruit, woody"
Folklore (Cihuatán Fanpage)

Top review from Roman Lelek:
"Ve vůni cítím především sladkost karamelu a dřevo, v chuti také , na to, že je to 17 let starý rum, čekal jsem větší integraci do chuti.. Popravdě myslím, že publikum si tento rum určitě najde..pokud vyzkoušíte nižší řady, bude to fajn.."
Cihuatán Nantli

Top review from Tim :
"Very nice nose, soft and smooth, plus points for that. This is by far the best thing about this rum, which has been aged for a long time. However, the 40% suggests that the mouthfeel is too thin, and so it is. The finish is also too short."
Cihuatán Folklore Single Barrel Dualidad (Fanpage)

Top review from Matej:
"Another Dualidad in my personal rum book. Aroma is quite alcoholic and not in the good way. I noticed almost like toothpaste scent with combination of medicinal and sugar scents. There is a hint of oak barrel. Taste was much better and gentle. There is flavour of honey (lot of honey), sugarcane, citrus, wood and little bit of spicy flavour. Taste itself is really really gentle, very nice for sipping. Finish is quite long and sharp with floral, medicinal and rubber flavour. I noticed little bit of spice. To be honest not a big fan of bourbon/whisky finnishing, I would put this Dualidad on the second place, but I have two more samples to try."
Cihuatán Folklore - Creación (Svet Nápojov)

Top review from Matej:
"Another opportunity, another rum sample. To be honest there is not extra special I can write about scents of this rum. It is sweet (caramel) little bit medicinal and alcoholic. Mostly I noticed raisins, plums, licorice and mustiness. Taste was pretty similar to scents but I noticed a lot of cognac flavor with kind of dry and woody combination. Finish is in medium level, warmy little bit spicy with lot of mustiness. This bottle was my first “expensive” one, first limited edition. To be honest it is little bit better than any other average rum I had an opportunity to drink."
Ron Colón Rumzcal 33/66

Top review from Rowald Sweet Empire:
"So the smokiness from the Mezcal is very prominent. Dry, yoghurt, minerals. So far interesting and a bit weird...but pretty much as expected when you throw Mezal and Rum together I guess. Taste: more smoke. Almost Islay-esque (as in Whisky). Very dry. Mezcal is very very dominant. It's more heavy in the mix than I would expect. Weird drink, but it sorta works. Not bad at all. Edit: the smokiness gets less after a while. The drier/lemony notes are more prominent."
8 Years

Top review from Schnapsschuesse:
"Vermutlich die 'Protovariante' des Indigo. Und als solche deutlich unreifer im Charakter. Volle Breitseite Schokolade in der Nase. Daneben findet sich Vanille, etwas Zimt und satte Eiche. Orangenschale und nicht gut, aber passabel eingebundener Alkohol. Riecht mir zu doll, geht stellenweise in Richtung Supermarkt-Süßrum. Geschmacklich dann ähnlich, wenn auch weniger süß als erwartet. Relativ dünn und sehr 'direkt' in den Aromen, wenig komplex. Zur puren Schokolade kommt aber erfreulicherweise noch mehr dazu. Zimt, Vanille, mehr Röstaromen und am deutlichsten Kaffee. Im Abgang dann Schärfe, allerdings zimtig und nicht alkoholisch. Finish sehr kurz. Wer Cihuatan Fan ist kann hier bedenkenlos die Reste zum Abverkaufspreis eintüten. Ansonsten eher zum Indigo greifen - der ist deutlich weiter entwickelt. Und besser. Nachtrag 1: im Direktvergleich mit dem Indigo zwar der klare Vorgänger, aber doch massiv unausgereifter. Sehr viel mehr Kanten, sehr viel plumper, sehr viel weniger amgenehm."
12 Years

Top review from Stefan Persson:
"Can’t recommend this rum! It’s produced in a multi column still and I believe the average age of this Solera rum is quite few years. The aroma is very alcoholic. The flavors on the other hand is quite sweet with flavors of vanilla and caramel. The finish is very short."
Flavour profile of Licorera Cihuatán
Most frequently mentioned flavors
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- Perola 1 rum
- Christian de Montaguère 1 rum
- Fair 1 rum
About the Licorera Cihuatán distillery
The Licorera Cihuatán distillery is located in El Salvador. Rums from Licorera Cihuatán have been reviewed 1,167 times with an average of 7.4/10.
To Licorera CihuatánAll rums from Licorera Cihuatán
- Licorera Cihuatán Cihuatán Indigo 8yr 40% RX4982
- Licorera Cihuatán Cinabrio Ron 12 Años <12yr 40% RX2365
- Licorera Cihuatán Cihuatán XAMAN XO 2004 16yr 40% RX7083
- Licorera Cihuatán Nikté Limited Edition 15yr 47,5% RX545
- Licorera Cihuatán Cihuatán Sahumerio 2006 14yr 45,2% RX7094
- Licorera Cihuatán Nahual Legacy Blend 14yr 47,5% RX494
- Licorera Cihuatán Obsidiana 40% RX8312
- Licorera Cihuatán Cihuatán Alux Aged Rum 2007 15yr 43,2% RX13915