
There are 169 rums from the Longueteau distillery in the RumX database.

Show all Longueteau rums

Popular rums from Longueteau

GENESIS Collection

RX1247   2015   2yr   73,51%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGENESIS Collection
8.6/10 (49)

Community opinion:

"Intensely smooth agricole rum with citrus notes."

Rhum Blanc 62

RX360   62%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRhum Blanc 62
8.1/10 (51)

Community opinion:

"Intense, vegetally robust; a ti-punch favorite."

GENESIS Collection

RX10013   2018   72,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGENESIS Collection
8.6/10 (25)

Community opinion:

"Aromatically intense and beautifully balanced Agricole rum."

Souvenir L’Intemporel

RX21990   2024   Unaged   62%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSouvenir L’Intemporel
8.1/10 (10)

Community opinion:

"Bold, vibrant, and unmistakably cane-driven."

Genesis vieux

RX9547   2016   4yr   71,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGenesis vieux
8.2/10 (21)

Community opinion:

"Bold and intense with nuanced flavors."

SĂ©lection Parcellaire N°6 (Les 10 ans de la Maison de l’HĂ©donisme)

RX20466   2023   59%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSĂ©lection Parcellaire N°6 (Les 10 ans de la Maison de l’HĂ©donisme)
8.0/10 (9)

Top review from Johannes:

"Alkohol könnte besser eingebunden sein. Sonst schöner fruchtiger Agricole."

Genesis XO

RX16686   6yr   70,9%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGenesis XO
8.5/10 (35)

Community opinion:

"Potent and complex with a sugarcane aroma."

SĂ©lection Parcellaire No. 9 Canne Rouge

RX675   2018   55%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSĂ©lection Parcellaire No. 9 Canne Rouge
8.5/10 (27)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen đŸ‡©đŸ‡°:

"When you look at the price tag you will get a surprise trying this rum. You get a bang for your buck here. Very fruity and fresh with nice floral notes. The palate is smooth and rounded despite the ABV. Lovely rum 😊"

29 FĂ©vrier

RX22286   2024   Unaged   56%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum29 FĂ©vrier
-/10 (1)

Top review from Gaston NP:

"Une valeur sur, trĂšs bien fait. Plein de fraĂźcheur."

Top rated rums from Longueteau


RX1394   57,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumConstellation
8.9/10 (15)

Top review from Morgan Garet:

"Delicious, as in 99% of Longteau's whites...very much focused on the well-siped cane, seasoned with a peppery note."

GENESIS Collection

RX1247   2015   2yr   73,51%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGENESIS Collection
8.6/10 (49)

Community opinion:

"Intensely smooth agricole rum with citrus notes."

GENESIS Collection

RX10013   2018   72,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGENESIS Collection
8.6/10 (25)

Community opinion:

"Aromatically intense and beautifully balanced Agricole rum."

La Cuvée 62.0

RX11167   2018   Unaged   62%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Cuvée 62.0
8.6/10 (19)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen đŸ‡©đŸ‡°:

"The bottle has already been opened several times since I bought two bottles after sampling it. This rum is elegant and the nose appears as soon as you open the bottle. Fresh, floral notes with cane and grass. Nice and warm in the palate with a very long finish. Price to quality is very good in my mind. Next time I'll try it with some lime zest to see what happens."

Constellation 2022 (Saint-Malo)

RX13773   2022   Unaged   57,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumConstellation 2022 (Saint-Malo)
8.5/10 (84)

Community opinion:

"Bold agricole with fresh, vibrant, balanced character."

Genesis XO

RX16686   6yr   70,9%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGenesis XO
8.5/10 (35)

Community opinion:

"Potent and complex with a sugarcane aroma."

SĂ©lection Parcellaire No. 9 Canne Rouge

RX675   2018   55%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSĂ©lection Parcellaire No. 9 Canne Rouge
8.5/10 (27)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen đŸ‡©đŸ‡°:

"When you look at the price tag you will get a surprise trying this rum. You get a bang for your buck here. Very fruity and fresh with nice floral notes. The palate is smooth and rounded despite the ABV. Lovely rum 😊"

SĂ©lection Parcellaire No. 12 Canne Rouge

RX1382   2018   55%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSĂ©lection Parcellaire No. 12 Canne Rouge
8.5/10 (15)

Community opinion:

"Citrus-forward with balanced floral sweetness."

GENESIS Collection

RX890   2017   72,25%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGENESIS Collection
8.4/10 (48)

Community opinion:

"Potent agricole gem; sugarcane and floral explosion."

Opéra (Harmonie Collection)

RX13494   8yr   46,4%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumOpéra (Harmonie Collection)
8.4/10 (15)

Top review from Djehey:

"J'aime bien le nez sur la fraßcheur, la bouche plutÎt vive. Mais la finale n'est pas trÚs agréable : sÚche, terreuse et boisée."


RX13305   47,9%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumConcerto
8.3/10 (15)

Top review from TheRhumhoe:

"Un assemblage de rhums plus ĂągĂ©s que l’édition PrĂ©lude (5 Ă  12 ans), et cela se ressent dans la finesse et la profondeur des arĂŽmes dĂ©ployĂ©s. On a ici une panoplie d’arĂŽmes affĂ»tĂ©s, qui vont des Ă©pices (rĂ©glisse, muscade) aux fruits tropicaux, en passant par le boisĂ© toastĂ©, les noix, la canne Ă  sucre, les herbes aromatiques et le beurre. Le profil est rond, structurĂ© et bien Ă©laborĂ©. La complexitĂ© et la dĂ©licatesse sont encore plus perceptibles en bouche. La palette s’étoffe avec des notes de tabac, de chocolat noir lĂ©gĂšrement amer, mais aussi de notes de miel et d’agrumes qui complĂštent les Ă©pices et le bois au palais. L’alcool est trĂšs bien intĂ©grĂ©, car malgrĂ© un degrĂ© relativement bas, on perçoit tous les aspects d’un profil qui a Ă©tĂ© sĂ»rement Ă©laborĂ© avec le plus grand soin. La finale est particuliĂšrement longue, avec des notes herbacĂ©es, une facette plus sombre sur le fĂ»t, les noix, le cafĂ© et le cuir, mais aussi des Ă©pices douces et des agrumes qui complĂštent le jus de canne. Une trĂšs belle surprise, sĂ»rement sous-cĂŽtĂ©e de part le marketing (un nom Ă©laborĂ© sur une belle carafe n’est pas toujours bon signe) et pour un prix raisonnable."

125 ans

RX10595   44,4%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum125 ans
8.2/10 (51)

Community opinion:

"Elegant, complex rum cherished by our RumX community."

Genesis vieux

RX9547   2016   4yr   71,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGenesis vieux
8.2/10 (21)

Community opinion:

"Bold and intense with nuanced flavors."

Constellation (Saint-Malo)

RX13788   2018   4yr   50%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumConstellation (Saint-Malo)
8.2/10 (18)

Community opinion:

"Smooth agricole with woody and vanilla notes."

Canne rouge

La Cave de Deshaies ‱ Longueteau
RX7050   69%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumCanne rouge
8.2/10 (12)

SĂ©lection Parcellaire No.1

RX2157   2017   55%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSĂ©lection Parcellaire No.1
8.2/10 (12)

Top review from Godspeed:

"Solide, mais sans impressionner, bien trop cher par rapport Ă  ce qu’il peut offrir. Loin d’ĂȘtre une selection phare de Longueteau."

Rhum Blanc 62

RX360   62%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRhum Blanc 62
8.1/10 (51)

Community opinion:

"Intense, vegetally robust; a ti-punch favorite."


RX669   10yr   42%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumXO
8.1/10 (18)

Community opinion:

"Complex, woody, with vanilla and peppery notes."

Genesis Collection Ambré

RX982   2016   2yr   72,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGenesis Collection Ambré
8.0/10 (36)

Top review from TheRhumhoe:

"Dans la lignĂ©e de la gamme Genesis, ce Longueteau ambrĂ© fait preuve d’une puissance phĂ©nomĂ©nale. La chaleur de l’alcool et des Ă©pices laisse prĂ©sager d’un nez puissant, auquel s’ajoute un jeune boisĂ©, de l’herbe et de la canne Ă  sucre, mais surtout une bonne corbeille de fruits allant de l’abricot sec Ă  la prune en passant par le zeste d’orange et les fruits exotiques. Un profil aromatique et intense. L’attaque en bouche est virulente, avec la mĂȘme force de frappe alcoolique. La muscade et la cannelle s’allient au citron vert et au pruneau pour une percĂ©e dans le profil qui se veut trĂšs sec. Canne Ă  sucre et notes florales finalisent une attaque intense et bien ciselĂ©e. La finale est trĂšs longue et persistante sur les agrumes (citron vert, orange) et le boisĂ© lĂ©gĂšrement Ă©picĂ©, avant que les tanins et les notes vĂ©gĂ©tales viennent apporter de l’astringence et de l’amertume en fin de bouche. Une belle interprĂ©tation du rhum qui est encore assez jeune pour avoir les notes de canne Ă  sucre, mais aussi assez mature pour avoir dĂ©but de notes de vieillissement en fĂ»t."

GENESIS Collection White (Batch 4)

RX16619   2020   Unaged   73,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGENESIS Collection White (Batch 4)
8.0/10 (23)

Community opinion:

"Intense sugarcane flavor, powerful and complex."

Single Cask XO

La ConfrĂ©rie du Rhum ‱ Longueteau
RX7135   2014   6yr   48,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSingle Cask XO
8.0/10 (16)

Community opinion:

"Complex, woody, with vanilla and fruity nuances."

Édition RSMA 60 ans

RX10479   2021   60%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumÉdition RSMA 60 ans
8.0/10 (16)

Top review from Stefan Persson:

"Overall a superb Agricole Blanc, extremely round, smooth and tasty that my son offered me a glass of at Father’s Day. It’s a special and limited edition produced from Canne Rouge at the Esperance distillery in Guadeloupe. It pays tribute to the work of the RĂ©giment du Service Militaire AdaptĂ© (RSMA) of Guadeloupe, which is highly appreciated on the island. It was originally reserved for Guadeloupe, but some bottles fortunately reached us here in Europe. After fermentation it’s distilled traditionally in a Creole column. By the way, which is a little special for this distillery, does the owners, the Longueteau family, own the whole process from planting the cane to bottling."

Parcellaire No. 4

RX16186   2021   Unaged   55%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumParcellaire No. 4
8.0/10 (16)

Community opinion:

"Tropical fruits, sugarcane warmth, elegant finish."

Blanc 50

RX1589   50%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBlanc 50
8.0/10 (15)

Top review from Insta: spiritofbernard đŸ‡«đŸ‡· :

"Who can beat Longueteau in the 50 vol% agricultural white?"

Punch Maracudja

RX5349   25%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPunch Maracudja
8.0/10 (13)

Top review from Rhum Mirror 🇧đŸ‡Ș:

"This is a Rhum Agricole Longueteau 50% white in which Maracudja (passion fruit in Creole) has been macerated for several weeks. Bottled at 25%. For the record, the fruit comes from the Marquisat de Sainte Marie estate. The very place where Longueteau also grows its sugar cane. Nose: passion fruit bursting with sugar On the palate: immeasurably sweet, it's like sipping passion fruit juice by the pool in Basse Terre. A true delight, perfect for an aperitif. The only problem? The little Maracudja seeds that accumulate at the bottom of the bottle, but above all, the bottle goes off far too quickly..."


RX769   3yr   49,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSymphonie
7.8/10 (38)

Community opinion:

"Symphonie: Complex, woody, vanilla with mixed reviews."


RX6088   47,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumConcerto
7.8/10 (32)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen đŸ‡©đŸ‡°:

"Last Sundays tasting was a great one and one of the best ones this year."


RX467   6yr   42%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumVSOP
7.8/10 (11)

Top review from Boletus:

"Patience is rewarded with this rhum. Both the smell and the taste need some time to fully develop. If you swallow too quickly and then exhale with your mouth open, you have only yourself to blame, as you will miss most of the aromas. However, this fine drop is so smooth that you can easily hold it in your mouth for a minute, allowing it to fully unfold its fruity, beautiful aroma spectrum."

Papillon Blanc

RX12913   Unaged   53%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapillon Blanc
7.7/10 (14)

Community opinion:

"Fruity and aromatic, a vibrant agricole rum."

La Dame Jeanne 8

Ferroni ‱ Longueteau
RX9421   57%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Dame Jeanne 8
7.6/10 (18)

Top review from Arnaud Faverjon:

"Jolie note citronnée, belle sucrosité, trÚs beau blanc!"

Prélude Harmonie Collection

RX15306   2022   49,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPrélude Harmonie Collection
7.6/10 (14)

Community opinion:

"Harmonious French oak-aged Agricole rum."

SĂ©lection Parcellaire N.4

RX7270   2019   55%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSĂ©lection Parcellaire N.4
7.6/10 (11)

Top review from Maxime Clr đŸ‡«đŸ‡·:

"TrĂšs beau rhum blanc, bien Ă©quilibrĂ©. TrĂšs bien fait et assez doux malgrĂ© son 55%. On sent la canne fraĂźche, les agrumes, le poivre et le cĂŽtĂ© iodĂ©. TestĂ© pur et en ti’punch, vraiment super. TrĂšs beau parcellaire que je recommande."

Prelude Harmony Collection

RX962   50,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPrelude Harmony Collection
7.5/10 (33)

Community opinion:

"Pleasant, fruity Agricole rum with woody character."

SĂ©lection Parcellaire No. 4

RX6194   2016   55%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSĂ©lection Parcellaire No. 4
7.4/10 (18)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen đŸ‡©đŸ‡°:

"#4200 Another cheap and very good rum both for sipping and mixing. Very fresh profile with nice lemon/citrus notes. The floral notes are really nice and the finish is long and warm."

Vieux 3 Ans

RX1458   3yr   42%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumVieux 3 Ans
7.3/10 (18)

Top review from Valentin M:

"Excellent value for money, as is often the case with Longueteau. A very milk chocolate/fudge profile, full-bodied. An easy-drinking rum with complexity. A good way to introduce people to rhum agricole, or to share with friends."

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1,200 reviews

Flavour profile of Longueteau

Most frequently mentioned flavors


Sugarcane Citrus Fresh Vanilla


Sugarcane Citrus Vegetal Peppery


Sugarcane Woody Peppery Citrus

What people are saying

Popular independent bottlers of Longueteau

About the Longueteau distillery

The Longueteau distillery is located in Guadeloupe. Rums from Longueteau have been reviewed 1,200 times with an average of 8.0/10.

All rums from Longueteau

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