Papa Rouyo

There are 27 rums from the Papa Rouyo distillery in the RumX database.

Show all Papa Rouyo rums

Popular rums from Papa Rouyo

Guadeloupe Pure Single Agricole Rum

Habitation Velier ‱ Papa Rouyo
RX13998   2021   Unaged   62%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGuadeloupe Pure Single Agricole Rum
8.0/10 (37)

Community opinion:

"Bold, floral rum, best in cocktails."

Papa Rouyo VWAYAJ

Papa Rouyo
RX14872   2022   Unaged   45%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa Rouyo VWAYAJ
8.0/10 (21)

Top review from TheJackDrop:

""Wow. A slap in the face. Nothing to say, it's round, fruity, with a hint of the sea, Truly a tasting coup de coeur. Thank you Guillaume B! To sum up, my tasting notes: Nose: Fresh, Lime, Sugar cane, Citrus, Grapefruit On the palate: Vegetal, Round, Sugar cane, Yellow fruit, Lemon Finish: Sugarcane, Lemon"."

Papa Rouyo

Habitation Velier ‱ Papa Rouyo
RX17318   2022   1yr   56,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa Rouyo
7.5/10 (31)

Community opinion:

"Fruity, intense, requires water for balance."

Vibrasyon ESB Ex-Cognac (LMDW)

Papa Rouyo
RX17354   63,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumVibrasyon ESB Ex-Cognac (LMDW)
8.5/10 (13)

Top review from TheJackDrop:

"Notes issues du Whisky Live Paris 2024 - à revoir et approfondir. Les futs de cognac j'adore, donc mon avis n'est pas impartial. Je l'ai néanmoins trouvé beaucoup plus frais et citronné que la moyenne de ceux qu'on trouve à la réunion. Belle réussite, je pourrai l'acheter."

That‘s The Spirit !

Swell de Spirits ‱ Papa Rouyo
RX19725   2022   Unaged   59%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumThat‘s The Spirit !
8.0/10 (29)

Community opinion:

"Vibrant Agricole with a lively, spicy twist."


Papa Rouyo
RX22031   2021   3yr   44,4%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTanmpo

Top review from Martin Ć vojgr:


Papa Rouyo Blanc Maturé 450 jours

Velier ‱ Papa Rouyo
RX13421   2021   Unaged   64%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa Rouyo Blanc Maturé 450 jours
8.0/10 (26)

Community opinion:

"Smooth, potent, herbal, and citrusy rum delight."

Papa Rouyo 3 Vieux Jénérasyon

Papa Rouyo
RX16106   2019   3yr   46%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa Rouyo 3 Vieux Jénérasyon
7.6/10 (13)

Top review from TheRhumhoe:

"Papa Rouyo continue son ascension avec ce premier rhum vieux plein de promesses. Au nez, le chĂȘne toastĂ© permet aux Ă©pices de s’exprimer aux cĂŽtĂ©s des fruits secs et Ă  coque. La canne Ă  sucre, mielleuse et fraĂźche, donne de l’onctuositĂ© aux narines, Ă©quilibrant le nez avec les notes terreuses, florales et les arĂŽmes de tabac. Le profil est harmonieux et passe trĂšs bien. En bouche, la fraĂźcheur de la terre et des vĂ©gĂ©taux se fait ressentir. Le fĂ»t de chĂȘne, les noix torrĂ©fiĂ©es et les Ă©pices offrent quelque chose d’assez gourmand et savoureux, auquel s’ajoutent les fruits secs, le caramel et la canne Ă  sucre. Le profil se veut sec mais plutĂŽt bien Ă©quilibrĂ©. L’alcool est bien intĂ©grĂ©, les 46% sonnent juste. La finale est de longueur correcte. On y retrouve les notes torrĂ©fiĂ©es, les Ă©pices (piment, poivre, vanille), le chĂȘne, le tabac et les notes lĂ©gĂšrement terreuses et vĂ©gĂ©tales. Canne Ă  sucre, caramel et fruits secs sont Ă©galement de la partie. Un rhum vieux qui a du potentiel, hĂąte de voir ce que la distillerie peut proposer sur des profils plus ĂągĂ©s."

Papa Rouyo Brut d’Alambic 120 jours

La Maison Du Whisky ‱ Papa Rouyo
RX13420   2022   Unaged   66,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa Rouyo Brut d’Alambic 120 jours
7.8/10 (20)

Top review from Mike H.:

"I didn’t take any notes at the Rhum Fest so a more detailed review will follow as soon as I get the chance to sample this rum again in a better context."

Top rated rums from Papa Rouyo

Vibrasyon ESB Ex-Cognac (LMDW)

Papa Rouyo
RX17354   63,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumVibrasyon ESB Ex-Cognac (LMDW)
8.5/10 (13)

Top review from TheJackDrop:

"Notes issues du Whisky Live Paris 2024 - à revoir et approfondir. Les futs de cognac j'adore, donc mon avis n'est pas impartial. Je l'ai néanmoins trouvé beaucoup plus frais et citronné que la moyenne de ceux qu'on trouve à la réunion. Belle réussite, je pourrai l'acheter."

Cuvée Tim Synésius

Papa Rouyo
RX17532   Unaged   70%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumCuvée Tim Synésius
8.4/10 (11)

Top review from TheJackDrop:

"Notes issues du Whisky Live Paris 2024 - à revoir et approfondir. Canne fraiche, mentholée, terreuse, avec de beaux agrumes, et un alcool ultra bien intégré. Ca fait plaisir ! On remarque quelques notes métaliques qui je pense se retrouve sur tous leurs blancs ?"

Guadeloupe Pure Single Agricole Rum

Habitation Velier ‱ Papa Rouyo
RX13998   2021   Unaged   62%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGuadeloupe Pure Single Agricole Rum
8.0/10 (37)

Community opinion:

"Bold, floral rum, best in cocktails."

That‘s The Spirit !

Swell de Spirits ‱ Papa Rouyo
RX19725   2022   Unaged   59%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumThat‘s The Spirit !
8.0/10 (29)

Community opinion:

"Vibrant Agricole with a lively, spicy twist."

Papa Rouyo Blanc Maturé 450 jours

Velier ‱ Papa Rouyo
RX13421   2021   Unaged   64%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa Rouyo Blanc Maturé 450 jours
8.0/10 (26)

Community opinion:

"Smooth, potent, herbal, and citrusy rum delight."

Papa Rouyo VWAYAJ

Papa Rouyo
RX14872   2022   Unaged   45%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa Rouyo VWAYAJ
8.0/10 (21)

Top review from TheJackDrop:

""Wow. A slap in the face. Nothing to say, it's round, fruity, with a hint of the sea, Truly a tasting coup de coeur. Thank you Guillaume B! To sum up, my tasting notes: Nose: Fresh, Lime, Sugar cane, Citrus, Grapefruit On the palate: Vegetal, Round, Sugar cane, Yellow fruit, Lemon Finish: Sugarcane, Lemon"."

Édition limitĂ©e Bar 1802

Famille Ricci ‱ Papa Rouyo
RX13690   62,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumÉdition limitĂ©e Bar 1802
8.0/10 (15)

Community opinion:

"Rich aromas, spice on palate, well-balanced rum."

Papa Rouyo Brut d’Alambic 120 jours

La Maison Du Whisky ‱ Papa Rouyo
RX13420   2022   Unaged   66,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa Rouyo Brut d’Alambic 120 jours
7.8/10 (20)

Top review from Mike H.:

"I didn’t take any notes at the Rhum Fest so a more detailed review will follow as soon as I get the chance to sample this rum again in a better context."

Papa Rouyo Sanblaj ESB

Papa Rouyo
RX14875   2019   48,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa Rouyo Sanblaj ESB
7.8/10 (12)

Top review from Frank:

"Last for the evening at the Rum House. This also only because I had not yet Papa Rouyo in the glass. Again without extensive notes from memory.... Nose: distinctly Agricole, comes across very sweet, as if it was aged in a sweet wine barrel. Fruity, slightly smoky with young wood, grassy. 7.8 Palate: again clearly Agricole. Also repeats the sweet wine impression. Fruity with dried apricot, slightly smoky, young wood and becoming grassier. 7,6 Must probably try again with more rest. But overall was a very nice evening here at Rum House. Absolutely worth a visit and Milan is totally nice. A pioneer of good rum in CZ."

Eritaj (Batch 1)

Papa Rouyo
RX14430   2021   1yr   50,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumEritaj (Batch 1)
7.7/10 (39)

Community opinion:

"Sweet, woody, with fruity undertones."

Papa Rouyo Le Rejeton Blanc

Papa Rouyo
RX10149   2021   Unaged   56%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa Rouyo Le Rejeton Blanc
7.6/10 (40)

Community opinion:

"Earthy, robust, and aromatic white rum."

Papa Rouyo 3 Vieux Jénérasyon

Papa Rouyo
RX16106   2019   3yr   46%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa Rouyo 3 Vieux Jénérasyon
7.6/10 (13)

Top review from TheRhumhoe:

"Papa Rouyo continue son ascension avec ce premier rhum vieux plein de promesses. Au nez, le chĂȘne toastĂ© permet aux Ă©pices de s’exprimer aux cĂŽtĂ©s des fruits secs et Ă  coque. La canne Ă  sucre, mielleuse et fraĂźche, donne de l’onctuositĂ© aux narines, Ă©quilibrant le nez avec les notes terreuses, florales et les arĂŽmes de tabac. Le profil est harmonieux et passe trĂšs bien. En bouche, la fraĂźcheur de la terre et des vĂ©gĂ©taux se fait ressentir. Le fĂ»t de chĂȘne, les noix torrĂ©fiĂ©es et les Ă©pices offrent quelque chose d’assez gourmand et savoureux, auquel s’ajoutent les fruits secs, le caramel et la canne Ă  sucre. Le profil se veut sec mais plutĂŽt bien Ă©quilibrĂ©. L’alcool est bien intĂ©grĂ©, les 46% sonnent juste. La finale est de longueur correcte. On y retrouve les notes torrĂ©fiĂ©es, les Ă©pices (piment, poivre, vanille), le chĂȘne, le tabac et les notes lĂ©gĂšrement terreuses et vĂ©gĂ©tales. Canne Ă  sucre, caramel et fruits secs sont Ă©galement de la partie. Un rhum vieux qui a du potentiel, hĂąte de voir ce que la distillerie peut proposer sur des profils plus ĂągĂ©s."

Papa Rouyo

Habitation Velier ‱ Papa Rouyo
RX17318   2022   1yr   56,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPapa Rouyo
7.5/10 (31)

Community opinion:

"Fruity, intense, requires water for balance."

Blanc L'ƒilleton

Papa Rouyo
RX16189   2022   Unaged   51%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBlanc L'ƒilleton
7.5/10 (11)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen đŸ‡©đŸ‡°:

"#4198 Looking at the price tag you get a lot for your money with this release. Not only is it a good sipper, but I think it'll perform a outstanding in a mixer. Very fresh profile with fruit, especially the citrus is nice. Warm and oily palate with a medium finish."

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341 reviews

Flavour profile of Papa Rouyo

Most frequently mentioned flavors


Sugarcane Citrus Floral Herbal


Vegetal Sugarcane Spice Fresh


Sugarcane Vegetal Herbal Fresh

What people are saying

Popular independent bottlers of Papa Rouyo

About the Papa Rouyo distillery

The Papa Rouyo distillery is located in Guadeloupe. Rums from Papa Rouyo have been reviewed 341 times with an average of 7.9/10.

All rums from Papa Rouyo

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