Valinch & Mallet New Yarmouth Special Bottling France Edition 1994 27yr 56,8%

Unique peaty rum, divisive whisky finish.

This limited cask-strength rum from New Yarmouth offers caramel and tropical fruit notes with a peaty twist, but opinions vary on its whisky finish.

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    How does this rum taste?

    • Unique complex flavor profile
    • High quality ingredients
    • Limited edition rarity

    The Special Bottling France Edition is a unique release from Jamaica's New Yarmouth distillery, selected by Valinch & Mallet and aged for 27 years. Distilled in 1994, it offers a distinctive profile with caramel, tropical fruit, and coconut notes enhanced by peat. While praised for its full-bodied complexity, the rum’s peaty whisky finish has sparked mixed reactions among enthusiasts. Many appreciate its uniqueness, but some feel it overshadows the traditional New Yarmouth 1994 character. With an alcohol content of 56.8% and limited to just 84 bottles, this cask-strength rum stands out as a collector's item, offering a complex tasting journey for those who enjoy a bold whisky-infused twist in their rum.

    Most frequently mentioned flavors


    Caramel Tropical fruit Coconut Peat


    Caramel Tropical fruit Woody Coconut


    Peat Whisky Caramel Peppery

    How is this rum rated?

    37 reviews
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    "Ach Mönsch ... Soo verlockend an der Nase! Irgendwie speziell, irgendwie bekannt. Ich musste an einen alten Cognac denken. Aber dann das ... 🙄 Zu Anfang noch überraschend elegant und würzig-tief, verändert der Rum dann relativ schnell seinen Charakter: Das Finish hat ganze Arbeit geleistet und aus dem Rum wird in meiner Wahrnehmung ein (peated) Whisky. Und Whisky mag ich ja nun gar nicht ... Oh Mann, was für manche vielleicht einen irren Twist darstellt, ist für mich ein Absturz ... Nur die geile Nase rettet den Rum auf 70 Punkte. Tipp, wenn man nicht auf Whisky steht: Anders als üblicherweise diesen Rum nicht lange atmen lassen."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓
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    "Tja. Tolles Ausgangsprodukt mit dem NY94. Und dann dieses Whiskyfinish... Also der CDI Caroni neulich war deutlich räudiger mit dem Islay Finish. Dieses Finish hier klappt in gewissen Maße. Am Gaumen finde ich ihn wirklich gut. Aber der Abgang... Nein, so sollte kein hochklassiger Rum schmecken. Eine unangenehme Schärfe, die man bei jedem anderen Rum ohne Finish als Fehlnote einordnen würde. Insgesamt gebe ich ihm eine 70, weil das Zeug schon sehr hochwertig ist. Lecker würde ich dazu aber nicht sagen."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Leo Krüper
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    "The following 94 New Yarmouths were in the blind tasting glass The preliminary result 1ST RX10164 2. RX12050 3. RX12183 4. RX10531 5. RX16026 6. RX10419 7. RX13113 8. RX10167 9. RX15643 10. RX10204 11. RX12556 12. RX12841 13. RX9617 14. RX1563 15. RX16027 16. RX12161 17. RX13824 18. RX6983"

    Photo of the rum  taken from user zabo
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    "Why do you have to mess up such an incredibly awesome cask from new Yarmouth with a whiskey finish (I suspect strongly islay)? Unfortunately, I did not notice the sample purchase or I can still read nothing of it but it is very noticeable in direct comparison with the predecessor new Yarmouth of valinch ... Super pity ... The money for the yet quite expensive sample I would rather have invested differently😪 Overall still tasty but the whiskey finish ruins for me just everything that has made the origin rum so special ... There is just almost nothing left of the otherwise so awesome 94 NY profile. Especially a pity because that of V&M for me was an absolute benchmark!"

    Photo of the rum  taken from user crazyforgoodbooze

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    Details about this rum

    RumX ID
    Column Still Rum
    Cask number
    Made from
    Column Still
    27 years
    No. of bottles
    Bottle volume
    Price range
    Type of spirit
    Valinch & Mallet • New Yarmouth 1994   27yr   56,8% Special Bottling France Edition

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    About the New Yarmouth distillery

    The New Yarmouth distillery is located in Jamaica. Rums from New Yarmouth have been reviewed 2,445 times with an average of 8.7/10.

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