5 October 2022

The best rums in September 2022

Decorative banner visualization for the September 2022 recap

We are happy to introduce a new monthly format to you today: "The RumX Monthly Recap". Every month we will analyze the activities of the community [1] and present them as charts and summaries. This way you will find out which rums are hot right now and what everyone in the RumX community is talking about. We want to improve this format over time, so let us know what you think about the structure and what additional analyses you would like to see. Let's start by reviewing September 2022!

Monthly charts

During September 2022, the RumX community shared 4,981 tasting notes and added 4,777 bottles to their collections. Moreover, with the help of the community, 281 new rums were added to the database.

Most tasted rums in September 2022

This analysis reveals which rums were reviewed the most in September 2022. To get diverse and interesting results, we only consider rums that were released within the last 6 months. Let's take a look at the results:

The first place received Les Ephémères - N°1 of the new Saint James series. This rum was not only the most frequently tasted but also given an impressive 89 points by the RumX community. A real highlight for all Agricole lovers who enjoy cask strength and cask influence. Moreover, a real value for money hit, if you could get one of the 3,500 bottles at the reasonable release price!

Second place went to Compagnie des Indes' New Yarmouth release, selected by Perola. This rum is on par with its stunning predecessors (RX406 and RX611) and offers even more complexity without losing its funkiness due to its longer ageing. We were reminded of a mixture between the classic Hampden profile and cookie dough - insanely delicious! With a fair issue price of 150€, it even allows for use in a high-end Mai Tai or two.

Third place goes to the new Guadeloupe release from Rum Artesanal, which was unveiled at the 11th German Rum Festival in Berlin. The rum surprises with an unusually herby and citrusy profile, which is rewarded by the RumX community with a respectable 87 points. A real highlight of the 11th GRF!

Most purchased in September 2022

Besides recording tasting impressions, another favourite feature of the RumX community is market value tracking. The list below shows which rums were bought the most this month:

Ranked #1 is the new Trinidad release from Swell de Spirits, selected by Bordeaux-based spirits store Clos des Spiritueux. The sensational community rating of 90 points underlines the cask selection skills of the retailer and we will certainly look forward to more exciting picks in the future.

In 2nd and 3rd place are two familiar names. Since the Les Ephémères - N°1 and the New Yarmouth from CDI were very well received at the tastings, many RumX users purchased a bottle to enjoy the rum again.

Private Garden No.1 Clos des Spiritueux

Swell de Spirits • T.D.L
RX13297   2000   22yr   57,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPrivate Garden No.1 Clos des Spiritueux
9.0/10 (76)

Les Ephémères - N°1

Saint James
RX12796   2001   20yr   55,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLes Ephémères - N°1
8.9/10 (193)

Jamaica (Bottled for Perola)

Compagnie des Indes • New Yarmouth
RX13284   2009   12yr   60,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica (Bottled for Perola)
8.8/10 (78)

Les Ephémères - N°7

Saint James
RX13392   2007   15yr   54,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLes Ephémères - N°7
8.6/10 (108)

Rum Artesanal Guadeloupe SFGB

Heinz Eggert GmbH • Bellevue
RX12189   1998   24yr   59,4%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRum Artesanal Guadeloupe SFGB
8.5/10 (85)

Plantation One-Time Limited Edition

Maison Ferrand • Demerara Distillers Ltd
RX12985   2007   15yr   51%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPlantation One-Time Limited Edition
7.7/10 (85)

Clément Selection Exclusive (Batch 2)

La Confrérie du Rhum • Distillerie du Simon
RX13504   2015   5yr   59,9%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumClément Selection Exclusive (Batch 2)
8.5/10 (72)

La Dame Jeanne Numéro 1

Rhum J.M
RX13151   48,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Dame Jeanne Numéro 1
8.8/10 (52)

S.B.S Jamaica (11. German Rum Festival) C<>H

1423 World Class Spirits • Hampden
RX13188   2020   2yr   58,9%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumS.B.S Jamaica (11. German Rum Festival) C<>H
8.3/10 (42)

Recolte d'avril 180eme

Dormoy • La Favorite
RX13475   2022   Unaged   56%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRecolte d'avril 180eme
8.0/10 (32)

Are you looking for great deals? The RumX community shares exciting finds in the forum every day. And check out our new Buyer's Guide in the app.

Most popular tasting locations

Using the RumX app at Whisky Live 2022 in Paris

An often requested and already implemented feature is the tagging of tasting locations, and a map showing where they took place (more on that in the upcoming "What's new in the app?" blog format). Now let’s see which places were most popular this month:

Unsurprisingly, most rums were tagged at Whisky Live in Paris. This extraordinary event is our personal rum highlight every year and we can highly recommend it to every rum enthusiast. Currently we are working on a blog article in which we share our impressions and highlights. Meanwhile, we recommend you take a look at our live impressions where we have recorded our on-site experiences in short form.

Second place is awarded to the legendary bar Aguardiente in Marina di Ravenna (Italy), which is a real paradise for all rum enthusiasts thanks to its phenomenal rum assortment. As an example, the Antigua 2012 Single Cask by Velier, Caroni-"Employees" or the Savanna Last HERR were tasted on site by the community. What a crazy selection for a bar!


Are you enjoying the new format? What analyses and reports would you like to see in the future? We look forward to your feedback!

[1] Privacy note: Analyses conducted for this report were based on anonymized collection, tasting, and location data; no personal information was processed.