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Presidente Marti 19 Años

Top review from epicsune 🇸🇪:
"Very pleasant on the nose with sweet dried fruits, vanilla and nice round molasses. The round sweet palate is filled with raisins, dried fruits, sweet caramel, some milk chocolate and vanilla. This is a really nice sipper if you enjoy the spanish solera types of rum."
Captain Morgan Black Label Jamaica Rum

Top review from zabo:
"Tag 3 es wird immer obskurer bei Arturs Kalender. Auf einen Captain Morgen wäre ich nie gekommen. Weder spiced noch gezuckert und das Long Pond Anteile dran hatte, sehr interessant. Hatte da eher Assoziationen. Mit Guadeloupe vom Geschmack. Sehr abgefahren. Hat nicht mit den jetzigen Abfüllungen zu tun."
Opthimus 25 Años OportO

Top review from cigares :
"A slightly clashed nose, a little alcohol, Port and sweetness. Spices and vanilla. Very spicy on the palate, still with Port. Correct length. A good rum, even if it lacks depth and watts. Wood, smoke and Port remain in the empty glass."
Dead Man’s Fingers Coconut Rum

Top review from Stefan Persson:
"Got a sample of it as a gift when ordering some other rum. It’s nothing I should buy. It maybe works in some kind of Coconut drink. In my opinion is it not a rum. Aromas and flavors is just coconut and sugar."

Top review from Steffmaus🇩🇰:
"I remember using this one as a mixer back in 2019, where the picture is from. I would never recommend drinking this neat, but back then it went well in some cocktails, and the night in question it was used in a daiquiri. I remember it having a floral and alcoholic nose, and a flat oaky taste"
Centenario 1985 Cask Selection (Second Batch)

Top review from TheRhumhoe:
"A Costa Rican rum in pure Hispanic style. The nose is very soft, almost effaced under a caramelized, vanilla, woody and roasted influence. A few dried and candied fruits stand out from the pack, but still fail to take up space in the nostrils. The palate is light and sweet. Beneath the syrupy texture lie notes of coffee, chocolate, walnut and vanilla, set against woody, roasted notes. Light, smooth and linear. The finish returns to roasted notes of coffee, chocolate nuts, caramel and vanilla wood. The flavors last only a brief moment on this light profile. A simple, basic rum, good in its register but not extraordinary either."
Captain Morgan Sliced Apple

Top review from zabo:
"Als Experiment für coole Sommerdrinks gekauft. War wohl die Falsche Entscheidung. Man muss zugeben, dass er in der Frauenrunde als Mixer gut ankam. Für meinen Geschmack kurz gesagt zu künstlich und auch sehr süß. Im Winter nochmal in den Tee geschüttet, o.k. da geht er dann schon als Süßungsmittel."
Reserva Antigua 21 Anos

Top review from Blaidor:
"Smell 8/10 Taste 8/10 Aftertaste 7/10 Image 6/10 (info about rum, bottle, carton-box, sugar free, marketing....) Total impression 6,5/10 ------------------ BTL Bottle quality 👎👎 (but now suitable for home made Calvados 🙂) BTL II Probably added sugar (on the base of experience with 5yo and 12yo).."
Queen Pineapple & Spice

Top review from Anonymous:
"Here, the pineapple is clearly in the foreground ! A very pleasantly sweet and intense pineapple smell and taste is clearly perceived here. Personally, I prefer to drink in a (pineapple) Mai Tai but also pure times as a kind of dessert quite pleasant"
Camikara Rum Cask 8YO Aged

Top review from Boletus:
"Hier geht es natürlich nicht um charakterstarke Ecken und Kanten, die einem nachhaltig in Erinnerung bleiben sollen, oder um eine mittels hohem Alkoholgehalt nach vorne getriebene Aromenentladung, sondern um ein gemütliches und leckeres Trinkerlebnis und dies ist durchaus gelungen. Trotz der milden Trinkstärke ist der 8jährige Camikara erstaunlich vollmundig, hat einige angenehme Aromen auf Lager und macht nicht nur wegen des günstigen Preises eine gute Figur."
Reserva Ocho Rum (Rye Cask Finish)

Top review from TheTobias:
"This is an interesting rum. The rye barrel is clearly noticeable in both the nose and the mouth through its spiciness. When I bought it, I thought that this spiciness would provide a good counterbalance to the sweet rum aromas. But somehow it doesn't fit and the result is not well-rounded. Much better on the nose than in the mouth. This rum is interesting, but is it also tasty? - If it were up to me, probably not."
Silver Asian Rum

Top review from Timo Groeger:
"Now the Silver right behind. I had the worst fears, but it's not that bad. Despite everything, it has a predominantly alcoholic nose. It goes in the direction of tequila for me. Similar on the palate, except that it's more of a fruit brandy for me. It's also relatively mild for an unaged rum."
Ron Barceló Blanco

Top review from Henry Davies:
"Rating it for what it is - a mixing basic white rum. With that lens it feels a bit underwhelming with the sub 40% ABV. That aside it does the job, the nose is super industrial with ethanol and alcohol notes but it gets better from there. The mouth is smooth with butter and caramel elements. A surprisingly light and non offensive finish"
Bonpland Blanc VSOP

Top review from Michael Ihmels 🇩🇪:
"Naja was soll man sagen. Dieser Rum ist ganz in Ordnung, aber eher unterer Durchschnitt. Mit Cola ist er ganz in Ordnung. In der Nase ist Pfirsich und Aprikose zu erkennen, diesen merkt man auch im Geschmack."
Borgoe 82

Top review from Christian Rudt:
"Ein Rum aus Surinam über den stolpert man auch nur als blinde Zugabe. In jedem Fall interessant. In der Nase Birne die zu lang im Alkohol lag. Am Gaumen auch überwiegend fruchtig, im Finale dann leider überwiegend bitter. Insgesamt auch recht dünn. Danke nochmals an Artur für diesen Exoten 👍"